Multiple Novation Launchkey INControl mapping

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Multiple Novation Launchkey INControl mapping

Post by Flukustus » Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:12 pm

First of all, sorry for my english.

I have two Novation Launchkey49 Mk2 connected to Live. When I have a project with more than 8 tracks, it would be useful to split all the INControl faders, pads and knobs between the two controlers. The problem is that Live doesn't seem to have an option for that. The 8 faders (I don't count the 9/Master fader), knobs and pads automatically switch on both controlers, depending on the track selected. If the track selected is between 1 an 8, all the control surface will be mapped to the 1-8 tracks. If you select a track between 9 and 16, the control surface will switch to tracks 9-16, etc going up. This switch happen on both Launchkeys regardless of which one you are currently using.

What I would like to do would be to :
1 - Disable the track bank switch depending on track selection
2 - Lock the 1st Launchkey (IN)control surface on tracks 1-8 and the 2nd Launchkey (IN)control surface on tracks 9-16

Is there a way to do that. Is there any way to access INControl option ?

Thank you for your help.

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