FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

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FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by handsofire » Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:53 am

Hi guys! I just want to start by thanking you for this kick ass software! I'm finishing up my first feature length film here, and I figured I'd take the time to toss out a few feature requests after using Live for this project. This is all off the top of my head, so I'll try to remember to add to it as new ideas come in. Again, thanks for the amazing software.

*IF YOU ARE A FILM COMPOSER, PLEASE ADD YOUR THOUGHTS TO THIS THREAD! It would be great to see some of this stuff in future updates.

Priority Requests:

1. ability to view multiple midi tracks in piano roll at once for building harmonic structure quickly. Basically, I'd love to have the option to select tracks from within multiple groups and show midi note data (as different colors) within the same piano roll view— or at least a combined split view window where they're all lined up. This would give users more control and speed when creating harmonic structure between multiple tracks/parts. I know Cubase does this, and it is a very powerful feature for composers.

2. surround mixing support so I don't have to export stems into another DAW!

3. Visibility Support so I can program a controller to SHOW/HIDE tracks, groups, automation, etc (like Cubase's "VISIBILITY AGENTS"). Of course, there are multiple programs like TouchOSC for control, but Ableton doesn't seem to have the Visibility support. Basically, I'd like to be able to program "show/hide" functions for different groups and scenarios. One primary example: I'd like to show/hide tracks that have audio or midi note data at the currently selected NOW TIME cursor. This would be very helpful to see what is currently active in my template, and it would save me from having to scroll and sort through a thousand pre-loaded tracks.

4. organization, so in addition to the show/hide feature— perhaps subfolders are possible? Dealing with a thousand tracks is just too much of a chore at the moment.

5. OMF/AAF import/export

6. MP3 export (guessing this exists, maybe somebody can help me below. I used to use LAME with Sonar, does this work for Live?)

7. Smpte lock so I can change the tempo around the film without altering the smpte.

Secondary Requests:

1. option to make the time selection bar more pronounced on the screen (perhaps have the option to move it to the top bar?). I'd love to have the NOW TIME arrow (currently the tiny red arrow) more like a vertical cursor that extends from top to bottom. Something more stable, easier to see and drag-able. It seems to reset and I seem to lose it way too often.

2. make the loop start punch in/out moves undo-able. I use this to frame up scenes in the film with in/out times, and I will often bump this when I use the zoom in/out on the beat time ruler. This happens often and I have to go back and PRAY that I marked the correct cue start time in my spreadsheet.

3. video playback works fine when the video is the bottom track, but I still can't export video without crashing. I'm on Win7, great specs, good encoders, etc. I use Premiere to create multiple mp4s each for most scenes because Live's video export still doesn't work for me.

4. more quantize randomization options

5. zoomable/scalable waveform view for audio within arrangement view to help quickly line up the transients of low level audio.

6. a slightly darker/sexier theme than what comes preloaded, and one that isn't too bold or painful on the eyes (like every other 3rd party template I've encountered).

7. maybe an option for multiple loop punch in/out bars, so I can leave the film in the template and just select the appropriate loop in/out before exporting that cue. This way they can all save in one project file. I imagine this could be a useful feature for DJs as well.

I'm counting on somebody to educate me here if any of this already exists or if there are "work-arounds." Now back to work! 8)

*IF YOU ARE A FILM COMPOSER, PLEASE ADD YOUR THOUGHTS TO THIS THREAD! It would be great to see some of this stuff in future updates.

tags: score, composition, film score, wish, zimmer, picture, request, please, cubase, composer, orchestral, Junkie XL, touchscreen, feature, movie, Ableton, Live 10, future release
- Love each other, don't work for free, and always say "thank you."

chapelier fou
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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by chapelier fou » Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:13 am

As a soundtrack composer as well, i second all your requests.

I would add :
- much better tempo automation
- ...
MacBook Pro 13" Retina i7 2.8 GHz OS 10.13, L10.0.1, M4L.
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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by miekwave » Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:24 am

1. Stack Piano Roll - Yes. Sonar has an excellent Piano Roll stack. - I requested this years ago and different occasions (Ableton are you listening?)
2. You can mix surround already:
a. Create Extra Return Tracks 1-2 (Front), (3-4 Side), (5-6 Rear), (7-8)
On return (7-8) insert UTILITY and sum to mono. This is your LPF trackoutput.
Assign Ports 1-8 to respective surround outputs on your interface.

3. Show/Hide Tracks/Groups - YES - Pro Tools makes excellent use of SHOW HIDE groups as it's part of its natural workflow. Unfortunately Ableton is behind on this. I feature requested this also with best way to implement it into the GUI (some of my past posts)

4. Sub Grouping - YES - We need this.

For example:
>EWQLSO Group >>
>> Strings >>>
>>> Violins I >>>> EWQLSO Violin Ensemble, EWQLSO Violin Solo, EWQLHS Violin Ensemble, EWQLHS Violin Solo, Korg Trion Violin Ensemble, Korg Triton Violin Solo, Yamaha MotifXS Violin Ensemble, Yamaha MotifXS Violin Solo, Roland Violin Ensemble, Roland Violin Solo
>>> Violins >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> Violas >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> Cello >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> Contrabass >>>> ensemble, solo
>> Brass >>>
>>> Trumpets >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> Trombones >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> French Horns >>>> ensemble, solo
>>> Tuba >>>> ensemble, solo

5. More Formats are always good
6. MP3 Export is good - Use the 'Soundcloud Option' to fake it

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by miekwave » Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:25 am

1. Time Bar: Righ click it and you should see 24fps (Film), 25fps (PAL), 29.97 (NTSC) sync modes - do it with your Apple formatted movies
2. Quantize Random? What do you mean exactly, what kind of perimeters are you looking for?

My other feature request:

DISABLE MIDI NOTES (without deleting them)
- I hate it when I'm working on a 16 bar harmony progression on an ensemble patch, and I simply want to hear the Bass and Tenor line or the Alto and Soprano Line, if we can 'Disable' midi notes that will be a life saver
- Also, when making beats, same thing, I want to listen by quickly 'disabling' midi notes from hi-hat and snare patterns for example.

Solution: Select Midi Note(s)- Right Click, Disable Midi Note (will not delete midi) - Right Click enable MIDI note to turn back on

WORK WITH MUSCORE SIBELIUS and/or FINALE as a 3rd party Partner
It would be nice to work natively within Ableton to score music without complicated MAX4LIve hacks (Musescore)
- Develop an optional Scoring licence upgrade for $79 which will go to Ableton/3-rd party developer
- Arrange View + Clip View + Score View
- Every Track in Arrange or Clip view mode has an optional "Enable Score View" option so that we only see the Score Music
- Score View mode uses the same GUI elements from main Ableton GUI with independent Zoom Support
- Export to Native Finale or Sibelius format

OFFER RAM HOST MODE as Background Process:
I have an 11GB live template that I use to score projects in. Every time I open new projects using the exact same template, I have to reload all 11GB again, this is ridiculous.

- Allow Plugins like Kontakt/EWQL to STAY IN RAM when changing projects that use the same samples
- Preferences has option: "Ask to Save Samples in Ram" [Yes] or [No]
- When you say [Yes], when changing a new ableton live set/project you will get a popup before closing your existing project "Do you want to keep [Kontakt, EWQL PLay] Samples in RAM?" which you say [YES] when loading the new proect template, all the samples are already there WITHOUT RELOADING!

- Self explainitaory,
- Make Native jBrige licence option upgrade $10 which will go to developer and jBridge developer
- Within Ableton Define: 32-Bit Folder 64-Bit Folder
- Library will have a (x32) designation for 32 bit plug ins

- Preferences >> System Resources [Advanced]
MANUAL Purging options for samples/ram/temp/cache files
This comes handy when working with big libraries

Don't always use launch, repurpose it to show CLIPs BUT also show other thigs below clips (when clip mode is not in use

- Show/hide CLIPS in Clip View (typical audio or midi clips)
- Show/Hide Plug In Chain (top 5 or 10) like they are Clips
- Show/Hide TUNER per/Audio instrument Track Takes up a Clip CELL: Displays like <<:F#:>>
- Show/Hide MINI SPECTRUM ANALYZER per instrument track - Takes up Clip Cell: Displays like :::::::: (32,65,125,250,500,1k,2k,4k,8k,16k) (Grey,Green,Yellow,Orange, Red from -90DB to -3 DB)
- Show/Hide MULTI BUS per Instrument Track - Takes up one CLIP CELL: Displays like :Serial Bus or Parallel bus option (like Protools Mix View for AUX) not to be confused with master output track or SENDS
- Show/HIDE 1 OCTAVE MINI KEYBOARD per instrument track - Takes up one CLIP CELL - Displays like a 1 OCTIVE keyboard to show you which notes are being played, useful for observing harmony progressions - Option to change Starting position (C to B)
- Show/HIDE DETECTED CHORD Per Instrument Track- Takes up One Clip CELL - Displays AUTO CHord Detected - looks like CM,Am, Bb7,Gsus7, etc
- SHOW/HIDE MODULATION per instrument track - Takes up One Clip Cell - Displays Modulation 1 as a progress bar from 0 (no mod wheel) to 100 (mod wheel all the way up)
- SHOW/HIDE PITCHBEND per instrument track - Takes up One Clip Cell - Displays Pitch Bend as a progress bar from -50 (bend reverse) to +50 (bend all the way up)
- Show/HIDE MIDI PANIC BUTTON per instrument track - Takes up one Clip Cell, get rid of those Pesky Hanging notes by clicking this button
- SHOW/HIDE CPU USAGE PER INSTRUMENT TRACK - Takes up one Clip cell - Hard time figuring out which track is causing CPU spike? Displays as :0%:0%:0%:0% (4 core) ::::::(6core) ::::::::(8core) or 0% total
- SHOW/HIDE RAM USAGE PER INSTRUMENT TRACK - Takes up one clip cell - See which tracks are eating most ram
- SHOW/HIDE OSCELOSCOPE PER INSTRUMENT TRACK - Takes up 3 Clip Cell Slots (Vertically) - Displays a OSCELOSCOPE of track output - Very handy for examining Transients on a bunch of drum tracks at the same time
- SHOW/HIDE MIDI FILTER PER INSTRUMENT TRACK - takes up 1 Clip Cell - Want to temporately or permantely block or smoothen out PB/MW/CC messages? Click on this cell to devine which MIDI filters are permissable on each track - also special 'Latch Note' mode for cool remix applications (like on Korg Electribe EA1, ER1)
- SHOW/HIDE A/B switch per Instrument Track - Takes up 1 Clip Cell - 'A' switch is the sound you are hearing 'B' turns off EQ/Compression/Sends/Effects and only plays raw instrument sound - This is VERY VERY handy for composing without effects
- SHOW HIDE ARTICULATION SWITCH PER INSTRUMENT TRACK- Takes 1 Cell - Don't like your articulation? Easily switch to Pizz from Legato with this custom switch

Custom Library for MIDI
Input Key > Export Patterns for specified instrument type

For example
Open Library > Click on MIDI ENHANCED
Opens Dialog box on the right side of the Library Panel It ask:
PROGRESSION:CHORD:(s): KEY(s): Instrument Type(s)

To Export a Chord Progression
1. Select KEY and MODE
2. Select Number or Chord Progression Steps (1Bar each) (up to 8)
3. Select Voices to output: Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano
3. Input Starting Position Roman Numeral of Key: I II III IV V VI VII
4. Press Enter
5. Choose from List of Progressions populated on Library Browser

For example: C, Major Mode, 4 Bars, I > I will find my I VI V I or I V vi IV I progressions in the key of C.

Export Instrument Type Mode
1. Select Instrument Class: String, Brass, Winds, Mallets, Percussion, Chior
2. Select Instrument Voicing: Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano
3. Select Unison type: Solo, Ensemble
4. Select Tempo mode: (Largo (45BPM) to Presto (220 BPM) )
5. Select Dynamics: PP, P, M, F, FF
6. Select Crescendo: Crescendo, diminuendo, none
4. Input Key and MODE
4. Press Enter
5. Choose from a list of common rhythm patterns and phrases for your instrument class
6. Drag-n-Drop to timeline

For example: Its a pain in the ass to do a convincing 16th note violin passage, but this tool will output a 16th note passage with more realistic dynamics for the specified tempo.

NOTE: This does not output melody's

Also, Glassindos are hard to program, this tool will have proper glissando gate times and velocity curves

Military Snares? This is also hard to do MIDI, but this can help aide.

Must be able to LOCK SOLO and LOCK MUTE. This is SOOO helpful for arranging to another imported stem arrangement.

PARTNER WITH Celemony Melodyne
- Native Melodyne integration in both Clip and Arrangement view.
- $129 licence
- Converts Audio Tracks and MIDI to Audio Tracks
- Melodic, Polyphonic, Rhythmic Modes
- Converts AUDIO Clips into a MIDI like editor
- Converts

- Convert selected tracks into an altered GRAND STAFF in arrange view where NOTEs are represented in 64th interval as 'blocks' as opposed to 'Notes'
- Altered Grand Staff view will show relative note positions where the staff is more background.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by EmotiveMusic » Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:50 am

1. Visibility agents with key mapping to show/hide tracks and groups like Cubase's logical editor
2. Ability to select and view midi data from multiple selected tracks on piano roll with different colors for orchestration
3. Staff notation view so we don't have to manually export mid files

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by bradfordadrian » Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:12 am

Biggest one for me - chase MIDI notes. Not having this feature is the *worst* when programming long drones.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by [jur] » Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:43 am

Miekwave, you can already disable midi notes. Just select them and press 0...
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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by reso19khz » Wed May 11, 2016 4:07 pm

EmotiveMusic wrote:1. Visibility agents with key mapping to show/hide tracks and groups like Cubase's logical editor
2. Ability to select and view midi data from multiple selected tracks on piano roll with different colors for orchestration
3. Staff notation view so we don't have to manually export mid files
Multiple Track Midi - I don't know why this is not implemented yet. Editing MIDI in context is a must.

If I was to choose 1 of the 3, the Visibility Agent is THE absolute MUST. Why no-one thought of this before, kind of a thing. Probably one of the biggest time vs workflow features implemented in the recent years, only second to having a dual or triple screen. I'm also using Cubase and this is something the Ableton developers should look into. I think if more Ableton producers knew what the Visibility Agent does they would be going crazy with a request on the forum.

I wonder if the developers look into these threads.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Bdumaguina » Wed May 11, 2016 5:36 pm

miekwave wrote:
OFFER RAM HOST MODE as Background Process:
I have an 11GB live template that I use to score projects in. Every time I open new projects using the exact same template, I have to reload all 11GB again, this is ridiculous.

- Allow Plugins like Kontakt/EWQL to STAY IN RAM when changing projects that use the same samples
- Preferences has option: "Ask to Save Samples in Ram" [Yes] or [No]
- When you say [Yes], when changing a new ableton live set/project you will get a popup before closing your existing project "Do you want to keep [Kontakt, EWQL PLay] Samples in RAM?" which you say [YES] when loading the new proect template, all the samples are already there WITHOUT RELOADING!

- Preferences >> System Resources [Advanced]
MANUAL Purging options for samples/ram/temp/cache files
This comes handy when working with big libraries
Yes to these.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Bdumaguina » Wed May 11, 2016 5:36 pm

bradfordadrian wrote:Biggest one for me - chase MIDI notes. Not having this feature is the *worst* when programming long drones.
I second this also.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Bdumaguina » Wed May 11, 2016 5:42 pm

handsofire wrote:
1. ability to view multiple midi tracks in piano roll at once for building harmonic structure quickly. Basically, I'd love to have the option to select tracks from within multiple groups and show midi note data (as different colors) within the same piano roll view— or at least a combined split view window where they're all lined up. This would give users more control and speed when creating harmonic structure between multiple tracks/parts. I know Cubase does this, and it is a very powerful feature for composers.

3. Visibility Support so I can program a controller to SHOW/HIDE tracks, groups, automation, etc (like Cubase's "VISIBILITY AGENTS"). Of course, there are multiple programs like TouchOSC for control, but Ableton doesn't seem to have the Visibility support. Basically, I'd like to be able to program "show/hide" functions for different groups and scenarios. One primary example: I'd like to show/hide tracks that have audio or midi note data at the currently selected NOW TIME cursor. This would be very helpful to see what is currently active in my template, and it would save me from having to scroll and sort through a thousand pre-loaded tracks.

4. organization, so in addition to the show/hide feature— perhaps subfolders are possible? Dealing with a thousand tracks is just too much of a chore at the moment.

5. OMF/AAF import/export

7. Smpte lock so I can change the tempo around the film without altering the smpte.[/color]

1) I have seen Cubase composers use this feature, I've not tried it but yes I believe it to be very intuitive.
3 and 4) Yes, hopefully a way to "sub-group" tracks for organization.
5) That would be great wouldn't it? :)
7) Oh yes, instead of having different project files on different tempos for your composing needs

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by amg56 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:29 am

#1 View multiple midi tracks - absolutely. This is what I miss most from Cubase, FL, and Melodyne.

This is not just for film scoring, it's for everything - doing quick harmonic development for trance, layering drums for house, you name it.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Idonotlikebroccoli » Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:49 am

^ Or even just transposing more than one clip at once.

Isotonik Studios have released a great Max for Live plugin that does layered MIDI, but of course I would really prefer not to face the instability and slowness of MfL. ... ip-editor/

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Toryn » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:36 pm

YES to all of the things listed here, but here are the ones that I would prioritize:

1. Multiple MIDI track & parameter editing in the same piano roll, with unique colors for individual tracks. This is so, so, SO long overdue.

2. Chase MIDI notes. Incredibly frustrating to attempt playback halfway through a legato strings phrase and hear nothing.

3. Visibility Support, as others have mentioned.

4. SMPTE lock, of some other easy way to lock Locators to video timecode so that we don't lose the Locator's position relative to the video when we adjust the song tempo.

5. MUCH better integration with Vienna Ensemble Pro (VEP). Currently, Ableton does not recognize certain automation parameters from VEP, and cannot access all of the audio/MIDI input/output options that VEP offers. These restrictions greatly limit what you can do with VEP inside Ableton, and the restrictions do not exist when using Cubase, Pro Tools, Logic, etc.

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Re: FILM COMPOSER Feature Requests

Post by Bdumaguina » Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:37 pm

As an update to chasing MIDI notes when composing those long drones.

I saw a workaround in one youtube video. I forget the title already.

But basically what you do is play the beginning of the clip first so that Live recognizes the NOTE ON midi message.
While it's playing, move your mouse to the scrub area where your mouse icon changes to a speaker and playback from the point where you want to edit.
You should still hear that drone of yours.

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