APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by alexjholland » Thu May 28, 2009 8:49 pm

pdli_5 wrote:
moodles wrote:
pdli_5 wrote: The faders don't effect anything, unless you move them. The problem for you maybe that the soft-fader will jump to match the hard-

Just checked it "real-time". The soft-fader setting changes with very little movement from the hard-fader. Maybe something that could be fixed with a firmware update later?
My MIDI keyboard does this and it's great.

Using an M-Audio Radium 61, if I load up a new set than the soft faders stay where they are until I touch the hard faders, when they automatically readjust.

This works perfectly, they're nice solid sliders so do not move accidently - I can't imagine why you would want it any other way?

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by Anderton » Thu May 28, 2009 10:57 pm

Regarding the post about taking the "weird wings" off...the APC40 is not something you want to take apart. For the review I did, I wanted to see how easy it was to replace the faders and gave up when I realized the knobs were held on to the front panel with hex nuts. Actually, that's a very good thing; it's much more reliable than just soldering the controls to a circuit board and having the shafts poke through holes in the front panel.

Speaking of faders, the crossfader is user-replaceable in under a minute - undo two screws, disconnect cable, put in new fader, done. Very cool. The main faders are replaceable, but only by a tech, not a casual user.

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by RCUS » Fri May 29, 2009 12:00 am

even with a firmware update, i'm thinking the only reliable answer to this (in a LIVE situation) is to first press stop clip or de-activate the track you are grabbing, then slide the hard fader up and down so it grabs on to the soft fader, cue as needed, then mix up. if you know your clip structure, this would allow you to keep your eyes off the screen too vs. having to glance at the location of the soft fader each time you go to a new track, to see when/where it picks up.

to be honest, in a studio setup i am probably still going to lean on my remote sl using the value scaling option in abelton's pref's. i've been caught out using pickup mode one too many times to the point that i don't trust it anymore, and I'd rather save my ears and speakers. as a matter of fact i had a soft fader jump when i demoed the APC at GC a few weeks ago....nearly blew out that AKAI rep's eardrums and I felt like a complete asshole! ugh...automated faders would've been SO SWEET! oh well...

the other reason i'm sticking with the SL in ths studio vs the APC, is the text based visual feedback. as intense as automap is to get your head around, in the end it still beats turning knobs blindly on the APC, especially for plugs. I really think the APC will shine when you construct a set that you can commit to memory, and then rock out on.

OH! almost forgot. I'm pretty sure the guy in that APC video using the APC buttons as "momentary" was using a custom MAX template. there is another vid with him using MAX right? i don't have my APC yet so i can't say for sure, but that would be my guess.

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by MrShine » Fri May 29, 2009 8:21 am

djlegere wrote:
glitchrock-buddha wrote:Do those weird wings come off? Or are they integral to the casing?
I have one and there are screws and it looks like I might be able to take em off...but I'm not going to try, they have to be there for a reason...don't they?
They look like a cosmetic add on to the unit itself...I would imagine you can remove them to have the unit ' sit ' inbetween other units with a flush fitting...i can't see the point of having the (hex?) screws exposed like that without some reason for the consumer to remove them...

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by bbuzzard » Fri May 29, 2009 2:55 pm

RCUS wrote:even with a firmware update, i'm thinking the only reliable answer to this (in a LIVE situation) is to first press stop clip or de-activate the track you are grabbing, then slide the hard fader up and down so it grabs on to the soft fader, cue as needed, then mix up. if you know your clip structure, this would allow you to keep your eyes off the screen too vs. having to glance at the location of the soft fader each time you go to a new track, to see when/where it picks up.

to be honest, in a studio setup i am probably still going to lean on my remote sl using the value scaling option in abelton's pref's. i've been caught out using pickup mode one too many times to the point that i don't trust it anymore, and I'd rather save my ears and speakers. as a matter of fact i had a soft fader jump when i demoed the APC at GC a few weeks ago....nearly blew out that AKAI rep's eardrums and I felt like a complete asshole! ugh...automated faders would've been SO SWEET! oh well...

the other reason i'm sticking with the SL in ths studio vs the APC, is the text based visual feedback. as intense as automap is to get your head around, in the end it still beats turning knobs blindly on the APC, especially for plugs. I really think the APC will shine when you construct a set that you can commit to memory, and then rock out on.

OH! almost forgot. I'm pretty sure the guy in that APC video using the APC buttons as "momentary" was using a custom MAX template. there is another vid with him using MAX right? i don't have my APC yet so i can't say for sure, but that would be my guess.

I have had to move the channel faders up and and down a little to "wake up" Live to respond. It would have been nice to have a automated faders to mimic the position in the software but I'm sure that would have blown the price out. 8O

Mac Mini 1.66GHz - OSX10.5 - M-Audio Firewire 410 - M-Audio Fast Track Pro - M-Audio Oxygen 49 - Akai APC 40 - Evolution X-Session - Roland DS-7 - Alesis Prolinear 720DSP

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by gvh » Fri May 29, 2009 5:54 pm

bbuzzard wrote:It would have been nice to have a automated faders to mimic the position in the software but I'm sure that would have blown the price out.
Behringer seems to have figured out how to produce cost-effective flying faders. But, well, that's Behringer.

I'm going through a phase of finding products that are nearly perfect except for one show-stopper that means either forgoing the product or augmenting it with another (overlapping) product that has implemented the feature.

Propellerhead's Record looks really cool, but won't have MIDI Out. So I'd need to continue to use a full DAW instead...or use the two together. Argh! So much for "simplicity".

So I'm back to Live and/or Logic. But I think: well with Live I can use the APC-40 which would be cool. OK. Then I remember it has "dead" faders. So if I want motorized faders I'd need to place a (not particualrly inexpensive) Mackie or Euphonix controller next to it, and leave the APC-40's faders sitting there dormant. I wish they'd just left the faders off! Or I could cheap out and use a Behringer BCF2000 for the faders...but then I'd have a crappy piece of gear (the only one in my studio) sitting next to the APC-40, whose faders I'd again ignore. How good would THAT feel? Argh!

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by Acid303 » Fri May 29, 2009 10:22 pm

I want euphonix and monome :mrgreen:

Jordan Vesteyo
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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by Jordan Vesteyo » Fri May 29, 2009 11:40 pm

MrShine wrote:
djlegere wrote:
glitchrock-buddha wrote:Do those weird wings come off? Or are they integral to the casing?
I have one and there are screws and it looks like I might be able to take em off...but I'm not going to try, they have to be there for a reason...don't they?
They look like a cosmetic add on to the unit itself...I would imagine you can remove them to have the unit ' sit ' inbetween other units with a flush fitting...i can't see the point of having the (hex?) screws exposed like that without some reason for the consumer to remove them...
Well, I would say they are probably looking at doing expansion units. Think something like for instance......APX40, just another 40 clip launch matrix and 8 fader bank. (giving you an APC80! or APC120) Or an APD40 another just a bank of the control knobs with 8 drum pads from the XR20 where the transport keys are for drum racks. Both of these units would be just over 1/2 the length of the APC40, they could also hold their own powered USB hub in them. Think Mackie Control and the XT and C4 side controllers. The hex bolts that hold the side ears on could make way for alignment pins and/or hold the units together with magnets like the stanton SCS controllers. This would allow for one continuous uniform, modular expandable control surface. Then bolt the side ears back on the ends for cosmetics. Akai may already be on the way to doing something like this..... hmmm. Put out the side units for $249 US street and they will sell a pile of these too....

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by jcobb00 » Sat May 30, 2009 5:16 am

the day has finally come

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by zsklar » Sat May 30, 2009 7:17 am

I went into GC in Hollywood and pre-bought mine on Tuesday. They explained that I can't pick it up until 10:00 AM on Saturday. The day has arrived. The alarm clock is set for 9:30 AM (I am a nite owl, so I sleep late).

I really do feel like it is Christmas Eve. I've been waiting for a dedicated Ableton controller forever and the APC40 is exactly what I've yearned for! This will complete my controller studio along with my PadKontrol and MPK49.

Will report back with first hand review.

I might need to take an ambien just to fall asleep I am soooo excited!!!!

Here is to a good night and a better morning :P :P :P :P

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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by Chopper » Sat May 30, 2009 11:21 am

ive got mine but cant get it to work with my pc laptop. the option to add the apc 40 as input in preferences is greyed out. Ive tried using the version of live that ships with the apc and also live 8....both are the same.

Works perfectly on my mates macbook though.....any thoughts please?

mr lovely
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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by mr lovely » Sat May 30, 2009 12:21 pm

Ok, I've got myself one of these beauties and loving it. But a few questions...

I've like to overide the default mappings on one of the sliders (track 8) to map to the tempo control in Live, so I can use it like a pitch control on a record deck (like I used to with my old controller) - how can I do this? Tap tempo to change isn't very subtle.

I'd also like to change the Record Arm buttons to map to something else (e.g. loop on/off) but can't see how.

...finally (for now) I've like to be able to limit the range of the volume sliders (e.g. to -6db) so that the track volume doesn't go into the red when the slider is at the top.

I'd also like to be able to map the track control pots to master fx without using send channels.

Is it possible to override the apc 40 in this way, whilst still retaining the rest of the control surface features?

Any help gratefully appreciated. thanks.


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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by eldar » Sat May 30, 2009 12:40 pm

just press ctrl+m and map away

on the left hand pane you'll also be able to restrict the volume range (and pitch range)

mr lovely
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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by mr lovely » Sat May 30, 2009 12:50 pm

eldar wrote:just press ctrl+m and map away

on the left hand pane you'll also be able to restrict the volume range (and pitch range)
Sweet, thanks. I expected it to work that way, but turns out the reason it wasn't behaving right was because I hadn't enabled it as a midi in device in the settings, just as a control surface.

Phew - was starting to get worried there!

thanks again.


mr lovely
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Re: APC 40 FAQs, features and questions

Post by mr lovely » Sat May 30, 2009 1:27 pm

Ok, got it. Working better now but another question...

Is there any way to select a return track, so that I can use the device control on return fx - the track selection doesn't work with return tracks, and it you map the "Send A" button then you lose the ability to change the send amounts.

great controller though, fantastic. still trying to work out how to get the most out of it, how to have a Looper triggered, etc.
Last edited by mr lovely on Sat May 30, 2009 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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