Live8 - New GUI? A symbol of stagnancy!

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Post by dcease » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:06 pm

hopefully when they redo the gui for wood panelling, 3D rendering with metal knobs and sliders, and shadows and such, they will insert the sound of motorized faders and fan hum. i would also like ground loop hum, and extra drive noise. and could we get the gui to flicker, imitating power surges/voltage drop? and some glare, so at 3am i can trick myself that the sun is out... oh yeah! how about the colors fade, and knobs and wood get worn more and more until the next update? and every month or so, a food/drink spill would be great! and i like to write on my hardware with sharpie, can we get a paint tool to do that? and stickers! i want to stick stickers on my gui!

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Post by Jekblad » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:08 pm

rozling wrote:
Tarekith wrote:We get colors and the new "@" symbol in the browser, that's huge!
What's the @ symbol about?

Or are you joking?!
he's not joking i don't think. I think i saw an "@" sign either in addition or in place of the hot swap browser. Don't know what it means.

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Post by Nokatus » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:25 pm

Jekblad wrote:I think i saw an "@" sign either in addition or in place of the hot swap browser. Don't know what it means.
Quite possibly something to do with the "SHARE" feature?

Anyway, about the GUI: there is no reason to change something merely for the sake of having something different, especially if it's already something as functional and elegant as Live's GUI. It's nice to give people more options, true, but change for change's sake is not "pushing things further", it's only an illusion of forward movement while actually standing still. In other words, having a skinnable Live would be a nice bonus, but I wouldn't evaluate the innovativeness of Ableton based on that. Live 8 has already showed their forward movement in much more relevant ways :)

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Post by Johnisfaster » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:50 pm

Nicknackerski wrote:Jonn,
So what do you currently use, just the mouse?
I'm majorly disappointed with my controllers at the moment thats why i've been learning max,
i purchased a monome and itouch, these are hugely innovative but demand about 30 mins of your time with 3rd party apps from hobbists before communicating properly with ableton and i simply cannot be bothered to use the midi assign button in live everytime i open a Audio/midi track or plugin.

When i'm doing this i tend to listen to the same loop i've just recorded for about 30 mins while trying to do all the above in 'realtime' (ha!) and end pissed off, then going and doing something else. :evil: :evil:

Try using Logic aswell!!! i have about 3 million Projects all only 8 bars long (locked to the loop) and archived cause i got sick of fighting logis's shite GUI and control system :lol:
I often use just a mouse. I do have a padkontrol, a monome 128 and a bcr2000 but I often find myself being most productive with just a mouse.

for the monome I find that I just stick with Molar instead of fiddling with dozens of apps. that way I can just open a set and it's ready to go without having to do anything with max or chuck or pd or java or whatever else. I'm very keen on keeping it all in ableton, which is why max for live sounds exciting as they can potentially port all the monome apps to be inside of live.
It was as if someone shook up a 6 foot can of blood soda and suddenly popped the top.

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Post by djshiva » Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:51 pm

hmmm...and here i was thinking that the thing i like about ableton is that the basics stay the same, even when nifty new features are added.

course that mahogany idea WAS a good one...

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Post by Kodama » Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:55 pm

I love it the way it is, only wish for an easier way to make skins.
GO VEGAN!!! - Macbook Air, Bass Station II, Some Korg shit, Live Suite, U-He, Audio Damage, Microtonic, Ohmicide, more soft stuffs, awesome controllers, euro rack modular synth,an awesome cat.

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Post by McQ714 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Johnisfaster wrote:
xherv wrote:WTB A graphic of an APC40 which I can click on instead of the Live window
that sounds awesome

personally I want a graphic of a monitor that has the same thing as my real monitor on it only smaller. for when I feel like clicking on smaller clips.

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Post by simpleton » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:06 pm

Live is to DAW GUI's like what Helvetica was to typeface. The initial design was so future proof that every enhancement to the program just fits in seamlessly.
The Leveller wrote:Wow, a weird shaped dead coral with sh!t stuck to it. Proof indeed of supernatural abilities.

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