Another perspective on Mac vs. PC / OSX vs. Vista vs. XP

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Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:50 pm

the gifs are out there if you know where to look. I found a few key words that bring them up. muahuahuahua

it's just painfully slow right now at work, the calm before the storm, we're gearing up for the next project, I'm in wait mode basically. most people have gone home, the guy next to me has been on the phone for an hour chatting, the boss is running around somewhere. I'm just too much of a pussy to take off and too much of a slacker to make a pathetic attempt to do something remotely work related today. next thing you know, it's xmas and new year, december usually flies by.

random gif

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Post by djgroovy » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:58 pm

^ hey, that one is kind of hypnotic, dude! 8O :D

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Post by adventurepants_ » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:58 pm

cant.stop.watching snack trays.

theres something about the slow motion heaving of a quality bosom that just.....what are we talking about?

Tone Deft
Posts: 24152
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Post by Tone Deft » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:19 am

I don't know how they did this one, good editing.

funny one

found an adventurepants_ baby pic. LUNCH!!
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Post by forge » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:45 am

beats me wrote: Mac people don't talk about options because you don't need any.
this is kind of where I've ended up - I'm sick of tweaking and just want to get on with my work

vista has soured my PC experience but the thought of having to back up everything I need to backup then re-installing XP is not appealing

I have a nearly full 100GB and only about 60GB of free external HD space, so the hardest bit is figuring out what to backup and it just feels like a big daunting mission

so instead I've been working under OSX86 for the last few days and am now really regretting not getting a macbook and I'm pretty much biding my time till I can afford a Mac.

I hate using a hack, mainly because it's unsupported, but also because it's not legit - but I doubt Stevie boy could fairly have a problem with it because I think he's going to sell a lot of Macs this way - you guys all know I've always been in the "XP is fine, stable, fast etc" camp for a long time, but I'm pretty much converted

this thread might however prompt me to just do the inevitable and get backing up and do it because under the hack I have no wireless, webcam, sleep mode or onboard sound - my external sound cards work like a charm though and the Emi A26 is small enough to not mind lugging it

and this thing where you can turn your MIDI controller on while Live is booted, plus core audio and things like IAC and Soundflower are making it more and more appealing

but there are a few expensive plug-ins that I cant use unless I put XP back on so I kind of think I should

so I'm undecided, and a little reluctant to put in the downtime, but I think I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather have OSX86 and XP than beta test for microsoft

I only just got a new laptop so I wont be able to get a mac for a while and I feel a bit gutted about that because I think a Macbook (pro) would be the best option available today because you can have both OSX and XP


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Post by nebulae » Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:43 am

I love it when Father Forum thinks out loud. You can almost hear his Autralian grey matter churning, while you can almost smell the smoke coming out of the ears. :)

Tone Deft
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Post by Tone Deft » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:30 am

Martyn wrote:Just stumbled over this one while looking around youtube, it looks like a newer window management system than CompizFusion. ... re=related

There are other ones too, one called Metisse is also worth looking at. Lots of exciting development going on in the Linux camp.

Edit. Turns out Loooking Glass is being developed by Sun! ... re=related 8O
that's the problem when some pigfucking threadjacker comes along, you miss out on shit like this.

I didn't know these existed, very cool. where can I get the big red R to put on the cpu heat sink? seems like a cool way to organize the desktop and if it makes using a computer more fun or organized, might as well, you all know too well how much I'm in front of a computer. so just point me at one and I'll install it (at work, not the DAW, duh), just got a new box too.

a few questions
1 - it's just a visual thing, it won't mess with aspects of the OS I have to watch out for.

2 - it's easy to uninstall.

3 - it's good for trance. I don't write trance at work but even my socks are great for trance, I'm weird like that, fuck you.

the max/msp community was the first piece of software that made me consider switching to mac, tons of them there which means lots of freebies and toys, but max isn't my main thing, it's an accessory app. XP doesn't get in my way and I know it. anyway... cool new bling, thanks!!

ps sorry for the jacking, the boobies pic was a cheap shot, won't happen again. nope, not me, never. won't do it. not even going to think about it. it's impossible.

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Post by nebulae » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:42 am

^ While this is somewhat tasty, I think I could have looked at the sneeze-oops-there-goes-my-cleavage one for about three days straight.

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Post by forge » Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:54 am


you bastards did it


I'm typing from my fresh XP install, still in the throes of driver installation after a whole day of backing up

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Post by adventurepants_ » Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:21 am

Vistas not dead, its just pining for the fjords.

still, beautiful plumage.

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Post by forge » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:16 pm


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Post by nebulae » Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:21 pm

Congrats, buddy...glad to have you back. I know you'll be happier!

Make sure you do a ghost image right after a fresh install - that way you can always go back to that if things go awry.

And then use some of the fancy things from this thread to make XP look and feel real purtee.

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Post by Tarekith » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:28 pm

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Post by Grifter » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:43 pm

Good Gracious me :D

and you were getting all MAC< like you wont have a problem with the Fruit that has a battery that only last's one year 8O

I wish counted how many times on this forum where i read people stating how much better the _NEW_ mac worked once they ditched their old PC ........ need i say more ( they didn't factor their hardware) :P

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