Macbook purchasing question

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Re: Macbook purchasing question

Post by Stromkraft » Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:14 pm

Machinesworking wrote: so there ya go. :)
You seriously think I'm going to spend thousands of dollars and to save a few hundred I'm going to invest into some hack? For an old machine this suggestion makes a little more sense, unless it was indeed very possible for Apple to just remove support for this as well at any point. Bad Apple! We need to smack som sense into them. Tough love.

Unless your SSD has another solution than trim, like OWC Mercury, the trim issue is soon a reality. Too soon anyway. I want to make music not hack around in my main tool.
Make some music!

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Re: Macbook purchasing question

Post by Hypomixolydian » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:28 am

Tarekith wrote:Congrats, that's an excellent laptop, typing on the exact same thing myself right now :) I personally don't have any issues with only 512GB of onboard storage, though certainly a nice 3TB USB3 external HD helps too.

Happy birthday too!
Tarekith wrote:Congrats, that's an excellent laptop, typing on the exact same thing myself right now :) I personally don't have any issues with only 512GB of onboard storage, though certainly a nice 3TB USB3 external HD helps too.

Happy birthday too!

Thank you very much!!!!

By the way Tarekith, your Inner Portal website is very impressive. I only came across it a few days ago. Your articles are a good read and extremely valuable. Fantastic you have made them downloadable in PDF format.

Thank you to all the people who have given their input to my thread.

I have two more questions.

On Windows I use Acronis to make an clone of my hard drive as a precaution if things go wrong. If my hard drive fails I can install a new one and restore everything as it was. I always make an image when my computer is in a virgin state [factory settings]with nothing installed and make incremental images as I install more software.

I am totally ignorant of Macs and so would like to know if Time machine does the same thing or is there 3rd party software that does the job? I remember reading ages ago of a free program that does this, but can't remember the name.

Question two: Do I need anti virus software. When I bought the Mac the salesman said I would need it. I don't intend to surf internet. I do that with my Windows machine. I guess though I would need to update software from time to time. I assume that if I am just accessing the Apple servers, I should be OK. Is this a correct assumption?

Thank you again.

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Re: Macbook purchasing question

Post by Tarekith » Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:38 pm

Yes to Time Machine, it's the easiest way to back up a Mac.

God no to virus software, welcome to OSX. Some people use it, Ive never seen a need as long as you don't install crap you don't trust.

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Re: Macbook purchasing question

Post by Machinesworking » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:06 am

Stromkraft wrote:
Machinesworking wrote: so there ya go. :)
You seriously think I'm going to spend thousands of dollars and to save a few hundred I'm going to invest into some hack? For an old machine this suggestion makes a little more sense, unless it was indeed very possible for Apple to just remove support for this as well at any point. Bad Apple! We need to smack som sense into them. Tough love.

Unless your SSD has another solution than trim, like OWC Mercury, the trim issue is soon a reality. Too soon anyway. I want to make music not hack around in my main tool.
We are different kinds of people, I've replaced the hard drive and upgraded the RAM in nearly every macbook pro I've owned. I'm about to install an M.2 512GB HD in my Mac Pro in the PCIe slot as it's about I dunno? 700 to 1300mbs faster than the HD slots bottle necked at roughly 300mbs whether SSD or not.

After that I may just pop in two new chips, as the 6 core 3.4ghz Xeons fit in the same slot as the 4 core 2.6ghz ones currently. With both of these mods, the 09 Mac Pro will run slightly slower than the top of the line current maxed out Mac Pro, and faster than all the rest of the current line and anything else Apple has made.

So for roughly $1,100 up front for a used Mac Pro, $200 for 24GB of RAM $375 for the chips and $500 for the M.2 512GB SSD, (basically about $2,200), I'll have a set up easily comparable to a $6K set up. I'm willing to flash a bios, and run code getting OSX to use trim, sure. 8)

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