I saw a 'jumper' today

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by Tohtruck » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:26 pm

Johnisfaster wrote:speaking of suicide, you know whats always pissed me off? that old saying "suicide is the most selfish thing a person could do, they aren't even thinking about their families"

thats a load of blind fucking unempathetic bullshit, people gotta understand that others are hurting deeply and they didn't do it to be selfish they did it cause they couldn't take it. some of these people even have mental instabilities. selfish my ass. and "they aren't even thinking about their families" well, maybe their families hated them. or maybe junior called dad an asshole and ran away and never calls anymore.

my point is I feel for people in that situation, I was close at one point in my life but never close enough to try thank God. people should pull their heads out of their asses and try to see where someone is coming from.

sorry, rant over.

Completely agree man. It also pisses me off when people say stuff like that. It's a very narrow-minded view of things, and shows alot of misunderstanding. And I think most of the people who say that kind of thing have probably never really been in that truly dark corner of life.

And I also agree that alot of people who probably decide to end it all probably feel at that point that the world and the people around them would probably be better off without them. I know that I've felt that way before. When you're in a deep depression and can barely function in normal everyday life, a part of you can't help but think that maybe it would be a burden to people around you. You also worry that maybe being around people and your family when you're in such a deep dark state would put them down too, and the last thing anyone wants is to be the one who makes other people feel the same way you do at that point.

Its difficult to believe that you can get through things or whatever issues are going on when you can barely get out of bed in the morning, let alone be a functional productive member of society.

The hopelessness and helplessness are the most difficult feelings. You feel like you're desperately hanging on by a thread, so why even try?

I've been through some pretty deep depressions, and I still do get depressed alot. But I do the same thing and try to remember and believe that time helps. I can't really say that it heals, maybe I'm still too young and naive to believe this? But I think at the very least it quells.

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by mikemc » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:29 pm

gjm wrote:
contakt321 wrote:Sorry mate.

I have had both a friend and a relative and there is nothing that helps it make sense.
Thanks. In my cousins case, he was our 'golden boy' from the generation. Out of the blue, total shock.
I am sorry to hear this. Also, read somewhere about suicide rates in New Zealand: among males, higher than in the US or Australia or UK. It shocked me. Why would this be? Such a beautiful place.

I can also empathize with people in this state, at the time it is very difficult and the surrounding world seems truly uncaring.
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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by jamesp » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:40 pm

Completely coincidentally, I've been witness to the immediate aftermath of three different jumpers. It is an unsettling experience. I've also had a good friend go off his meds and gradually crazy to the point where he jumped. When I heard about it I drove to his home. He'd left the door unlocked and all of his papers (titles, deeds, will, checkbooks) were neatly laid out on top of his desk. A book he'd borrowed was left by the door for me. He'd also put a spare pair of car keys there.

I took the keys and went looking for his car to keep it from getting towed. After driving around the neighborhood of the local "suicide" bridge and not finding his ride, I walked out to the spot he'd jumped from. There were about a dozen cigarette butts stubbed-out in the spot where he'd gone over. He'd left the rest of a pack there on the bench that he'd stepped on to get up on the railing, so I lit one up and thought about my friend. I couldn't resist looking over the edge - maybe 500' down - I really wish I hadn't. No one's last cigarette should ever be a Winston.

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by McQ714 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:13 pm

what exactly is unselfish about taking your own life? YOU are not thinking about anything but yourself. how YOU can't get out of a situation. how YOU see no hope for YOURSELF. YOU have no balls so YOU decide to take the less lengthy way out of this situation. i'm not gonna say it's the easy way out because it's got to be the most difficult decision to ever make. so unless you are some sort of pedophile or spousal abuser and you are doing it so that you don't hurt anyone anymore, than yeah it's really fucking selfish!!! so you're depressed and things are going the way you want them to.. so what!?! that's life! suck it up nancy... and they have drugs for that. and go ahead, call me unempathetic. i've lost enough loved ones lately (have a funeral to go to tonight) to realize, you live life through good times and bad. maybe you die of old age and maybe you die of disease. the point is, we all die someday. why would anyone want to make that day, today? wouldn't you rather stick around and see if something good happens tomorrow? i don't feel sorry for the people that killed themselves. i feel sorry for the people that have to live on after that and pick up all the pieces. nobody should have to go through that. it's hard enough when you have time to prepare yourself for what you know is coming. so now, go ahead and motherfuck me all you want but the way you guys are talking, you are all saying it's absolutely ok for someone to take their own life and forget about everyone else.

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by gjm » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:24 pm

Tohtruck wrote:
Johnisfaster wrote:speaking of suicide, you know whats always pissed me off? that old saying "suicide is the most selfish thing a person could do, they aren't even thinking about their families"

thats a load of blind fucking unempathetic bullshit, people gotta understand that others are hurting deeply and they didn't do it to be selfish they did it cause they couldn't take it. some of these people even have mental instabilities. selfish my ass. and "they aren't even thinking about their families" well, maybe their families hated them. or maybe junior called dad an asshole and ran away and never calls anymore.

my point is I feel for people in that situation, I was close at one point in my life but never close enough to try thank God. people should pull their heads out of their asses and try to see where someone is coming from.

sorry, rant over.

Completely agree man. It also pisses me off when people say stuff like that. It's a very narrow-minded view of things, and shows alot of misunderstanding. And I think most of the people who say that kind of thing have probably never really been in that truly dark corner of life.

And I also agree that alot of people who probably decide to end it all probably feel at that point that the world and the people around them would probably be better off without them. I know that I've felt that way before. When you're in a deep depression and can barely function in normal everyday life, a part of you can't help but think that maybe it would be a burden to people around you. You also worry that maybe being around people and your family when you're in such a deep dark state would put them down too, and the last thing anyone wants is to be the one who makes other people feel the same way you do at that point.

Its difficult to believe that you can get through things or whatever issues are going on when you can barely get out of bed in the morning, let alone be a functional productive member of society.

The hopelessness and helplessness are the most difficult feelings. You feel like you're desperately hanging on by a thread, so why even try?

I've been through some pretty deep depressions, and I still do get depressed alot. But I do the same thing and try to remember and believe that time helps. I can't really say that it heals, maybe I'm still too young and naive to believe this? But I think at the very least it quells.
I do think that there are times when people who are in the middle of a dark time really can't see a wider picture/view of their situation. Having your mind clouded or numbed without the use of drugs/stimulants is scary. Often times its so slow in occurring , building up over months or years. I can't comment on the quality of thoughts another person has in order for them to reach a conclusion to end their life, but I can point out a few things based on my own experience.

1. When I thought of suicide as 'the answer,' I had no hope. I could not see brightness for my future. Every thing I did was worthless. I could not see a point to doing the things I was doing. If I compare this to how I operate today, I do have hope, my actions have worth and there is a point to what I do.
2. When I thought of suicide as 'the answer,' I had no joy. Not one single thing I did could raise the emotion of joy. Specifically I mean joy as an emotional reward for accomplishing something. There were momentary patches of enjoyment of activities, but no joyful reward that I could carry around with me, think back to as a reference, and then make plans to build on that.
3. When I thought of suicide as 'the answer,' I had lost 'attachment' to my wife. This woman I had so totally fallen in love with, the woman I had chased, the person I had written nearly 300 love letters to (she still has them) the person that literally made my heart pump double time by just thinking about her was shrouded in grey, distant. She was doing her best trying to hang on to me but I had lost a level of contact with her.

There were more issues than this that I had lost my way with, but these are interesting to look back on. It may be that I had accurately evaluated my life at the time with a broad and unselfish thought process and concluding that ending my life was best for all. My thoughts on each of these have changed though. Specifically that when I think back, my physical, emotional, mental, spiritual life components were in ruins. Through bad diet, neglect of my body wellness, huge mental stress/ emotional challenges, I do believe that I became unable to think soundly about what was going on around me. I became unable to make decisions that to others would seem easy or sensible. So in a way I did become narrow minded, specifically opposite to broadminded, being able to balance or counter some of the thoughts I had. In a sense I also became selfish, in that I had no capacity anymore to think about other people, even my beautiful young wife.

I chose to reach out for help than for some pills like my cousin did. Ironically I was driving home from a conference on at risk youth ( I was a youth worker at the time) and I was mulling over details about the signs of suicide when I thought holy fuck, thats exactly what I am thinking. It did not register while I was sitting in the seminar though. I didn't drive home but straight to the office of an acquaintance who was a psychiatrist in the community I was living in. I didn't have an appointment, I just showed up. I was only with her for 10 min while she asked a few key question before she basically took control of my life. She phoned my wife to come get me, phoned my employer and said I had finished work indefinitely and set up what was to become 2 years of recovery.

I think there are levels of narrow-mindedness and selfishness involved in some peoples suicide thoughts. Maybe not all people. Sometimes peoples futures are quite clear in the case of terminal illness or punishment for criminal activity. But sometimes, due to the light at the end of the tunnel there is another way to think about your life and move ahead without the need to kill yourself.
Last edited by gjm on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by stringtapper » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:29 pm

It's true that selfishness is involved simply for the fact that the real victims of any death are the living. However I believe that we should all be empathetic towards those of us who are either thinking of taking this route or already have. I've personally been on both sides. My first instinct is to take the "suck it up sissy" stance with others, but I have been through some pretty bad depression recently and I completely understand the motivations behind suicides.
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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by gjm » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:38 pm

stringtapper wrote:It's true that selfishness is involved simply for the fact that the real victims of any death are the living. However I believe that we should all be empathetic towards those of us who are either thinking of taking this route or already have. I've personally been on both sides. My first instinct is to take the "suck it up sissy" stance with others, but I have been through some pretty bad depression recently and I completely understand the motivations behind suicides.
Generically speaking, I think that even though you may completely understand the motivations, and that situationally you could produce a viable conclusion to the/your issues, the thing that many people are not able to process is positive future potential if they chose a different action. The ability for a person to conclude that their evaluation of their life is set in concrete is the scary thing. Even with a healthy mind it can be hard to adjust to the daily surprises, both good/bad or happy/sad that life churns up.

+1 on the attempts at empathy.
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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by McQ714 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:57 pm

A wise man once said, "You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by stringtapper » Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:03 pm

McQ714 wrote:A wise man once said, "You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."
Yeah but he also said, "Don't nobody go in the bathroom for 35...45 minutes!!!"
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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by sparklepuff » Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:57 pm

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by TXBDan » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:18 pm

My Mom is a Director at a hospital. They've had three faculty suicides in the past 5 weeks, two of them in the last WEEK!

Its like a Stephen King novel... Its terribly sad because my Mom has worked and known the people for 10+ years. One they could see coming, but two were totally out of the blue. One shot herself, One hung himself, and one was a doctor who hooked himself up to the anesthesia machine and OD'ed himself.

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by Machinesworking » Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:57 am

Tohtruck wrote: It also pisses me off when people say stuff like that. It's a very narrow-minded view of things, and shows alot of misunderstanding. And I think most of the people who say that kind of thing have probably never really been in that truly dark corner of life.
I don't think people understand this very well at all, but I pretty much believe suicide in the end is always a selfish act, and I live in a dark place 90% of the time at least. What I'm saying is that although the world can be a POS most of the time, that life can and does get to me at times, I'm aware that somebody out there would be heavily negatively affected by my suicide. Case in point, my niece. She pretty much acts like she doesn't care when I come and go, even though I only make it to her town about every six months, but if I ended it, she would be devastated. It might not show now, but it would mess her up mentally. I'm not selfish enough to do that to other people, life can stink at times, but it's not my right to violate the trust of the people who at the very least care about me, and everybody has someone who does. People who do commit suicide I believe do not have compassion enough to realize the damage they do to the ones they leave behind. I do know this sounds harsh but how manny of the suicides you know of are made to look like an accident? People who want to die, but don't want to hurt the people they leave behind would make it look like an accident, period.

A story I heard about the English, don't know if it's true or not, doesn't mater... is that they would bury suicides at forks in the road. The symbolism is a clear statement, "You came to a place where you had to make hard choices, and you chose neither, so the living shall walk on your grave forever."

None of this means I don't feel for those that take their lives, all it means is I don't and will never respect their decision. I've know at least four people who went this way: two for women/depression, one for money/addiction, and one because his dad was a total POS nazi shit. The ones with women mentally screwed those women up, the one with the addiction and money problems had kids that will be messed up, and the one who's dad was a POS let his dad win. :(

It's always a violent act, and always has some passive aggressive side to it.

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by longjohns » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:02 am

have several friends who live on a houseboat dock under the aurora bridge.

sometimes the jumpers survive and swim over to the houseboats

good times

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by longjohns » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:07 am

TXBDan wrote:one was a doctor who hooked himself up to the anesthesia machine and OD'ed himself.
thats so fucked i can hardly believe it :cry:

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Re: I saw a 'jumper' today

Post by Tone Deft » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:17 am

longjohns wrote:
TXBDan wrote:one was a doctor who hooked himself up to the anesthesia machine and OD'ed himself.
thats so fucked i can hardly believe it :cry:
really? sounds ideal. you go out smoothly, there's a morgue in the building, anyone that might see the corpse has seen one before. it's better than my plan - jumping into Monday morning rush hour traffic from the top of the Golden Gate Bridge. "today's uber jacked up traffic jam was caused by...." ME ASSHOLES!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I only hope I land ass up.
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