Any one using a MOTU 828 mkII on OS X ? Stereo/Mono Issue

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The Hulk
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Any one using a MOTU 828 mkII on OS X ? Stereo/Mono Issue

Post by The Hulk » Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:39 pm

I just got a MOTU 828 mkII for use with Live in OS X. I may still have a lot to learn, but what I noticed is that there were was no option to take in tracks as strictly Mono channels. Everything came in stereo which meant I'm hearing my live audio in only one ear! Is there some sort of update or workaround to be able to specifiy a mono channel like you can with say, Reason as Rewire slave? Also, this thing is fresh out of the box, so maybe there's something on the actual hardware I need to program to make the box mono that I haven't learned yet?

I'd love to hear from anyone using this product with OS X!

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Post by jory » Tue Jul 29, 2003 4:00 pm

I might be reading your question wrong, but have you gone into Live's Bus screen and unlinked the input stereo tracks to make them mono?

Are you saying that the monitoring of inputs is stuck in stero, or your outputs?

As far as programming the MOTU mk ii goes, that all occurs in the included cuemix program right? (I am only using an old 828, but that is my understanding).

The Hulk
Posts: 214
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Post by The Hulk » Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:17 pm

I think you're right about the bus thing. I just recently purchased Live 2 so I'd been familiar with the way 1.5 organized mono and stereo. I'm still at work, but I'll try it first thing when I get home! thanks!

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