I would like to export the song I wrote.

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Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 2:55 am

I would like to export the song I wrote.

Post by jakdracula » Sun Apr 21, 2002 3:03 am

How do I do it?

I cant seem to get it through my thick head.


one way...

Post by tjwett » Sun Apr 21, 2002 4:15 am

here's how i do it...i get the mix they way i like it then record the whole song onto a new track via the Master Out function. This new track will be a .wav file in the song folder that hold all your sounds. then you can do what ever you like with. hopefully they'll add an export function in the revision.

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Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 2:55 am

how do I export the song I wrote?

Post by jakdracula » Sun Apr 21, 2002 11:53 am

Thanks for the reply, but I need step by step. What you said is in the manual, but the manual, like most manuals doesn't make allot of sense.

Step by step for stupid people like me... please.



Post by tjwett » Sun Apr 21, 2002 7:42 pm

Ok, let's assume you've got your song open and arranged the way you want it and ready for export. Essentially what we will be doing is "mixing down" which is just putting a bunch of stereo tracks onto one stereo track. :
1. From the Session view, make sure your track is stopped and "rewound" to the beginning.
2.Go to the Arranger view and besure that your playhead(the little flag that moves when your song plays)is at the beginning or whereever you want it. And make sure your LOOP points, if you have any are correct and looping is turned on or off, however you need it.
3.Go back to the Session view. Make a new track(Edit>Insert Track)and use the little drop menu on the track(between the clips and the volume control for the track)that says None. Click and hold and choose Master Out. This means that the input for this track will come from Live's master output, thus recording your whole song onto this new track.
4. Make sure that the "different from arrangement button"(it's to the right of the play, stop, record buttons and looks like a dot with bars next to it.) is NOT lit.
5. Arm recording by pressing the Record button at the top controls. Now it's ready to record.
6. On the new track we created there is a button at the bottom of it(under the "headphones" button). It looks like a circle connected to a line. Press this button so it lights red. Now you should have a red circle in each clip slot on the track.
7. Press any one of these and your song will begin to play and it will be recorded onto your new track.
8. When it's finished press Stop and name the track by Double clicking where it says, for example, "Track 9" and typing Song or whatever you want.
9. Choose the clip(which is actually the whole song) that we just recorded and in the Clip view (bottom of screen)Double Click the name box to the left and name the track whatever you want.
10. Press File>Save Song as Self Contained. Name the song whatever you want.
11. Go to the folder where you saved it and look in the folder for that song and you'll see a folder that says example: "My Song Sounds". In this folder is all the clips in your song. Find the one with the correct name you gave it earlier and choose the .wav, not the .asd or whatever. This wav file is the track we recorded the whole song onto.
12. Do whatever you want with it.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 2:55 am


Post by jakdracula » Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:03 am

Thanks very much for that, it's clear to me now, and I'm going to try it.

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