how to get this dirty old sound?

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how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by mrwiseintelligent » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:44 pm

Hi there!
I spent much time trying to get that sound by myself, using some distortion tools and EQing, but i couldn't get that sound i can play in my head.. hehe
so what sound i'm talking about - here are some examples ... detailpage ... p-hop-boom
here's a very good example of dirtiest sound -
maybe this
and so on..
well.. it's not only about processing the drums, but about processing the whole track and other sounds too, in other case that won't sound well.
but first of all it's about drums hehe
and i'm not talking only bout the exactly sound in the tracks i posted here.. it differs, sometimes you want to make more dirty and gritty track, another time you will do something softer.. but i hope you will get the main idea
and i put here drums, processed by Damu the fudgemunk.. i found it somewhere, that is a good example too

yesterday i found out about the impulse responses thing. well, ofc that's not that easy, i understand that only by putting the sample from sp1200 to the vst plugin i won't get the same sound.. but at least i would be closer! and it is a little advantage and bonus to my sound..
but i didn't find SP1200 IR's anywhere, the links are broken.. found only MPC60 IR's , which didn't work so well..

so, i look forward for you help guys :)

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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by milfhuntr » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:06 pm

I have gotten that sound with a combination of Ableton's Vinyl Distortion and Multiband Dynamics to taste.

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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by mrwiseintelligent » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:51 pm

thanks, gonna try it!

Mike Goodwin
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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by Mike Goodwin » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:41 am

That is not an easy question to answer but ill see if I can help point you in the right direction.
Most of that stuff is sampled from old vinyl. This obviously adds massive amounts of texture on a sample to sample basis. For example the kick drum contains all the feel and flavor of a totally different recording that uses completely different equipment than say the keyboard lick. A lot of the content would then be sampled by one sampler that would impart an over all sound and sonic imprint. The sound that you are hearing and referring to is most likely due to old A/D - D/A conversion process on any number of samplers S900,MPC's, E-MU and so on. It was common to drive the inputs on mixers to fatten things up with some subtle or not so subtle distortion then only to record it to tape or ADAT recorders.

You might want to check out plugins like Slate Digital VCC and Tape plugins and this one
Vintage Warmer from PSP Audio. There are so many other things that can help get that tone but that is what comes to me off the top of my head.

Hope that helps.

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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by mdk » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:57 am

Top Secret Plugin Tip : Sonitex ... -stx-1260/

I bought it years ago and still use it all the time.

Windows only though.

If you're on Mac then maybe some combination of the ToneBoosters plugs :

TimeMachine is free :

And then there's ReelBus / Ferox for tape stuff.

BUT, spend some time with combining various ableton plugs, saturation, sample rate reduction, vinyl distortion, erosion etc and compression. Stick em in a rack, map some controls and fiddle around.
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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by Angstrom » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:06 pm

I spent time a few years back trying to nail the sound of a crunchy loop. Fortunately these days we have parallel processing in racks and software effects galore.
My advice is to think your way through the recording chain of the sound in question and attempt to emulate what was done to it.

You are going to have to become very familiar with some quite unusual recording processes and psychoacoustic processes. For instance - I use a weird haas panner/ room simlator thing that's created in reaktor which places a sound in a 'room' much more effectively than a reverb and "pan" will. You are going to think about mic bleed, and how the bass amp might rattle the snares of the snare. Listen to the pre-hip-hopped original samples and try and imagine how the engineer set up the studio, the mics. Is there a compressed room sound (or overheads) + kick, snare, hat mics? is it just one mic with an optical compressor crushing it all and making the Rides go all swooshy and the kick saturating. How does it saturate? Is it dry, or is it the room going through that process too?

That sort of thing.
Fortunately: Lives parallel nd need chains are perfect for this stuff.
It's not. Quick to learn these thing properly though, however - if you do learn it that will put. You ahead of the pack of billions of "producers" who are really just editors

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Re: how to get this dirty old sound?

Post by Angstrom » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:03 pm

Here's an example, 24 bars of what's up on my screen right now.

Uploaded directly from Ableton, so there's no mix to speak of. In fact I turned off half the mix so you can hear it better. ... ecret-test

every drum hit, and every note played is played by me . no sample loops.
I'm not claiming a work of genius here, just an example.

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