{OT} PC users would you switch to Apple OSX, if hacked?

Discuss music production with Ableton Live.

If OSX gets hacked, would you...

Poll ended at Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:36 am

I would never think of it. I love my XP.
I am a Apple user but would buy a PC and run OSX, as it would be cheaper.
I am a Windows user, but would prefer to use OSX, if hacked.
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{OT} PC users would you switch to Apple OSX, if hacked?

Post by claudek » Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:36 am

With Apple going Intel soon, and say OSX gets hacked and cracked..
Which Windows users would use it over XP? Which Apple users would go PC?
Would this be the most dangerous and perhaps stupid move for the future for Apple hardware?

Will it be hacked?
Would it be nice to boot from either choice of OS on a PC machine..
Last edited by claudek on Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Mac G4 Quicksilver 1000GHz / Motu 828 /OSX 10.3.9
Mac Ibook G4 800GHz OSX 10.3.9 /Core Audio/M Audio Oxy 8
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Post by duncjam » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:24 am

I'd stick with XP, but I didn't vote because I don't 'love' XP. I never really understood this 'love' some people have for an OS, it's a tool not an object of desire.

I'd stick with XP because I know my way around it. I know it's easier to keep a clean system on a Mac, but I know XP well enough to keep my system clean. Plus, if I switched, I'd have to spend time learning how to use a new OS, time which would be better spent doing something more creative with my computer.

Being hacked isn't a major consideration for me, I'd make sure my antivirus software etc was up to date whatever OS I used. Once I get my new computer which I'll be using for music, Photoshop, digital video etc, I'll relegate my current machine to being a simple web box, and my creative PC will never be connected to the net, so hopefully being hacked will continue to be a matter of little worry.

One last reason I wouldn't change, z3ta+ doesn't run on Mac OS.

Hope that answers your question!


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Post by forge » Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:03 pm

I would love to have both dual boot , and yes probably on PC hardware - bang for buck and all that- OSX is definitely more audio conscious too

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Post by Martyn » Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:22 pm

I never understood why Apple never released a version of OS that would run on PC architecture. I'd make a lot of financial sense to run a direct competition with microsoft, I think a lot of users want to switch OS but cant afford to buy Apple hardware, myself included.

OSX running on custom PC hardware would be most welcome.

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Post by Moonburnt » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:17 pm

With Apple going Intel soon, and say OSX gets hacked and cracked..
Is this even a realistic possibility? I mean, "Apple is going to be using Intel processors" is surely not the same thing as "Apple is going to be using x86 processors"? I mean they were already using IBM processors, but that never made them "IBM compatible" ;)

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Post by hoffman2k » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:36 pm

Apple will probably never let osx run on a computor that isn't a mac.
They wont stop people from running windows though.


By the time those intel macs are available, longhorn will be coming out.
Leopard probably too.

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Post by claudek » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:40 pm

Yes, but there is OSX running now in a Pentium IV..
If this was done once, it can be leaked or hacked.PC programmers and hackers
can do basically anything..
I would think Apple know what they are doing though.
What will Longhorn have?
Mac G4 Quicksilver 1000GHz / Motu 828 /OSX 10.3.9
Mac Ibook G4 800GHz OSX 10.3.9 /Core Audio/M Audio Oxy 8
PC: ASUS 2.8 GHz P4 / XP

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Post by Tarekith » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:44 pm

I'd like the option to at least try it, and see what all the fuss is about. I don't feel strongly for or against XP though, it does what it needs to do and doesn't give me problems.

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Post by sweetjesus » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:48 pm

here's something people often overlook with OS X.

YES the Operating System is stable on it. But I have found that software is almost guaranteed to crash inside OS X... (maybe at the expense of the OS staying in tact).

I have used OSX for media production in film, tv, music and personal interests over 15 years of my life.

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Post by Angstrom » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:49 pm

they are going to use the x86 architecture, that's been confirmed by Apple.

I think the first chips in a mac will be the dual core Dothan follow up 'Yonah' in 2006 Q1, so that's pretty soon.

back on topic a bit:
I would use OSX as a dual boot with XP, mainly because my real job would be made a lot simpler by having a mac OS to hand on my laptop. Whether that would eventually make me switch OSes permanently is hard to say.

reports out of Apple indicate a pretty standard Intel chipset OSX - so install compatibility with homebuilt PCs has to be quite possible.

I think that after the fuss dies down about this we will see a 'special' OSX for PC release out of Apple HQ. Why would they turn down a slice of such a huge market?
They are a business - and OS users of any shape and colour are their potential customers.
Of course there is much talk of Apple wanting to lock users into a mac hardware platform ... but would any Mac user switch to a Dell laptop if you could put OSX on it?
I bet you wouldn't ...users who prefer Apple hardware wil continue to buy Apple.

Consider the many PCs in education establishments/offices in Europe where we have had many rulings about Microsoft monopolies. The push is toward Linux right now ... but if OSX would run on x86 and it cost less than XP.

oh wait!

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Post by hoffman2k » Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:57 pm

Somehow i have more confidence in apple to provide a secure OS.
Then in microsoft to provide that.

I know it's an old tiresome debate. But face it. Apple is making it really easy for developers.
Just have a look at tiger. (checkout quartz composer on the developer tools)
Controlling video with midi is built into the OS. We just need to wait for a decent host to come out.
Then there is the audio support. AUlab (also on the dev. tools) will mix inputs from various audiocards and even process them with audiounits if you want.
Audio/midi over network is also built-in. (you can even network with firewire)

Allot of the feature requests we might have towards an audio software company like Ableton. Are right there already. Apps just need to support them.

hacking, cracking and viruses shouldn't even have to be an issue.
And i can honestly say i haven't had a single virus on any of my macs.

(I'm not looking for a mac/pc war here. I'm just pointing out that allot has changed with the arrival of tiger)

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Post by MrYellow » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:14 pm

Why? Why would u bother with all the hassles and problems that would arise.

If you want OSX on PC hardware then you'd be much better off using FreeBSD.

OSX works on mac hardware, it comes from the factory, every one of them
is the same. Just because it has an intel processor, even if they make it
x86, it still won't have the thousands of drivers windows has to
communicate with the huge array of different hardware, motherboards,
harddrives, etc etc. Anyone that's ever installed *nix will know it's not so
straight forward to support every bit of PC hardware out there.

Video, midi, audio built into the OS...... It's a component all the same....
Just like in ANY OS..... All OS's have dev tools, components, SDKs etc.

Hacking and cracking not an issue? eh.... It's a computer.

The only reason mac virii don't take hold is cause less than 2% of the
internet is on a mac. It's actually a lot less secure, just a small target that
not many hackers bother with..... but they will as the PC playground gets
more crowded with script kiddies.

btw..... I've been running PC's for years, without virus scanners, or
firewalls..... NEVER had a virus I haven't deliberatly installed to check out.

Seriously..... I'm MUCH more interested in xBox3 being hacked to install
Linux or XP (3x 3.2gHz CPUs) then installing OSX on hardware it doesn't
have drivers for.


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Post by hoffman2k » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:43 pm

MrYellow wrote:Why? Why would u bother with all the hassles and problems that would arise.

If you want OSX on PC hardware then you'd be much better off using FreeBSD.

OSX works on mac hardware, it comes from the factory, every one of them
is the same. Just because it has an intel processor, even if they make it
x86, it still won't have the thousands of drivers windows has to
communicate with the huge array of different hardware, motherboards,
harddrives, etc etc. Anyone that's ever installed *nix will know it's not so
straight forward to support every bit of PC hardware out there.

Video, midi, audio built into the OS...... It's a component all the same....
Just like in ANY OS..... All OS's have dev tools, components, SDKs etc.

Hacking and cracking not an issue? eh.... It's a computer.

The only reason mac virii don't take hold is cause less than 2% of the
internet is on a mac. It's actually a lot less secure, just a small target that
not many hackers bother with..... but they will as the PC playground gets
more crowded with script kiddies.

btw..... I've been running PC's for years, without virus scanners, or
firewalls..... NEVER had a virus I haven't deliberatly installed to check out.

Seriously..... I'm MUCH more interested in xBox3 being hacked to install
Linux or XP (3x 3.2gHz CPUs) then installing OSX on hardware it doesn't
have drivers for.

You don't have problems with windows.
I don't have any with OSX.
We're all happy.


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Post by janklug » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:48 pm

sweetjesus wrote: I have used OSX for media production in film, tv, music and personal interests over 15 years of my life.
wow, then you truely are avant-garde! :D

using something 10 years before it's existance...

or did you use it triple in the last 5 years? :wink:

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Post by Hypomixolydian » Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:50 pm

I share Duncjam's sentiments. I know Xp well enough to keep my system clean. I have never had a problem with viruses or whatever. On the extremely rare occassions that a virus tries to get in, my scanner picks them up and deals with them.
I find Macs too expensive. I can buy a cheaper more powerful PC. The only reason I would consider getting a Mac is to upgrade to Logic 7. That is the only reason!! I love using Logic, but I am still stuck on version 5.5.1. for PC. Plus my "serious" music making machine is not connected to internet anyway.

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