Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:03 pm

you GOT to be kidding me...

If you DONT need vinyl emulation, and dont care to have it, then dont get serato. If you bought already, then you wasted your money and you might as well sell it on ebay and get some money to buy your traktor pro.
But dont comment on this thread cause this doesnt concern you. There are millions of djs that scratch and need vinyl emulation.
Any crazy trick qbert can do with a needle and a record? Oh yeah that really works with a midi controller....

And WTF???? Traktor blows this away? Last time I checked you got 4 channels to work with and 24 effects. So your limited to 4 loops on a live remix. With the bridge you can build up with oh wait ALL OF YOU ABLETON TRACKS???? Last time I checked that was more than 4. Oh and you can loop your midi tracks?? You can only work with the audio files in traktor. On top of all that you can use something like impulse for one shot samples. And then we come to the effects... which hands down I will pick the audio engine of ableton any day over traktor... and you can create more than 24... AND you not only have effects for the tracks but you also have effects for the sends.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by rikhyray » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:06 pm

Serato is/was choice of DJ who like to do things the way they always did but dont want to carry crates, that`s all to it. Serato delivered solid stable solution. DJs searching for new ways looked elswhere-Ableton,NI and number of others.
It is more interesting for Serato, they are consistently loosing market, at least 2-3 years behind NI in development, and even some smaller players, only now considering more decks, FX etc, for them as company Ableton partnership is life saving, not the other way round.
So Serato user can rejoice while some whinning from non Seratist is understandable, Ableton blowing the horn,creating mega hype - stimulating apetite for delicious meal and delivers only frozen pizza. Ableton marketing should learn from Apple how to create hype but also deliver in such a way that even if a product is not groundbreaking make everyone, specially buyers feel that it is.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by SubFunk » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:08 pm

i am a traktor user.

and what i like to see, i am confident that i am not alone on this, hence the reaction of many here...

is to be able to replace trakor in order to use ableton.

ableton right now as is, does not give the possibilities that traktor does (very important issues of no need to warp, etc, etc. for DJs,
DJ-ing with live of as now is preparing and planning sets not playing spontaneous, etc.)

serato, as is right now not either... (having the possibilities of traktor i mean by that)

but ableton has advantages (as you stated, more tracks, effects) that i would like to use for DJ-ing...

get the drift?
Last edited by SubFunk on Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by SubFunk » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:12 pm

rikhyray wrote:Serato is/was choice of DJ who like to do things the way they always did but dont want to carry crates, that`s all to it. Serato delivered solid stable solution. DJs searching for new ways looked elswhere-Ableton,NI and number of others.
It is more interesting for Serato, they are consistently loosing market, at least 2-3 years behind NI in development, and even some smaller players, only now considering more decks, FX etc, for them as company Ableton partnership is life saving, not the other way round.
So Serato user can rejoice while some whinning from non Seratist is understandable, Ableton blowing the horn,creating mega hype - stimulating apetite for delicious meal and delivers only frozen pizza. Ableton marketing should learn from Apple how to create hype but also deliver in such a way that even if a product is not groundbreaking make everyone, specially buyers feel that it is.
very well said!

it is no question at all that serato users benefit highly from it, but all people that hoped for advantages and improvements of using ableton for DJ-ing... are so far left behind. but i have high hopes that will change... ableton for DJ-ing could be such a killer... my head explodes thinking of it.
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by rikhyray » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:20 pm

If I get it right, what SubFunk wants to say is that Ableton could grab lots of NI /Traktor customers if they only include some essential DJ functionalities like proper browser, then provide some utilities for those competition product users- like NI does , recently providing translator for SSL user who move to Traktor so their cues etc wont get lost.
No question that what they did is fantastic for Serato users but majority of progressively thinking DJs looked elsewhere, Serato was always conservative choice.
The potential of tapping Traktor users (not those from here, who cares they already bought Live) is huge because Live is indeed very useful tool for warping tracks for example but opening live samples and FX option could be very tempting for many Traktor users. The numbers are bigger then Seratos but above all more open mentality, because I dont think anyone would challenge the idea that Serato was/is the choice of conservative.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by JuanSOLO » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:20 pm

Not alone in that for sure.

One of the things I noticed in watching the videos, was that it seems you have control over Ableton's timeline, globally. Not sure if it's possible to exclude Ableton tracks from vinyl manipulation because you deal with the entire set. This way that they have implemented Ableton into Serato lost me as customer who would have purchased it immediately. If the DVS could be placed inside Ableton, I would jump on it.

It just seems to put limits on Ableton's capabilities the way I like to use it, but gives Serato a whole new world. To me that is not what I would like to see. And it's not enough to break my wallet for Serato when I use Traktor with such ease routed to Ableton.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by SubFunk » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:22 pm

rikhyray wrote:If I get it right, what SubFunk wants to say is that Ableton could grab lots of NI /Traktor customers if they only include some essential DJ functionalities like proper browser, then provide some utilities for those competition product users- like NI does , recently providing translator for SSL user who move to Traktor so their cues etc wont get lost.
No question that what they did is fantastic for Serato users but majority of progressively thinking DJs looked elsewhere, Serato was always conservative choice.
The potential of tapping Traktor users (not those from here, who cares they already bought Live) is huge because Live is indeed very useful tool for warping tracks for example but opening live samples and FX option could be very tempting for many Traktor users. The numbers are bigger then Seratos but above all more open mentality, because I dont think anyone would challenge the idea that Serato was/is the choice of conservative.
spot on!

i see it a bit like they infuse a conservative product with more progression instead of progressing their already progressive product even further.

(if that makes sense? in english)
Last edited by SubFunk on Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by stringtapper » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:25 pm

Well this is nothing I will ever use but I hope it turns out to be a good thing for everyone who will use it.
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:37 pm

I swear we're looking at two totally different things here.

The only thing I can see that traktor has over this is 4 deck vinyl emulation. So if all of you people NEED to scratch on 4 decks at once, okay you got that part beat.

On every other single front, the collaboration does everything that traktor does (in a different way, admittedly), and does it with more parameters, more effects, and (i just thought of this) you can use it as a live instrument too. I could hook up my fantom g, play some live keys in my mix with the fantom sound engine, and instantly switch to a soft synth in Live or a VST and use the fantom as a midi controller.

I'm really not understanding what traktor has over this besides the 4 deck emulation. Please enlighten me.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by JuanSOLO » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:48 pm wrote: Please enlighten me.

For me it's not about Traktor being better, it's just about switching to Serato. If Serato was hosted inside Ableton, I'd be on it. If I could have Ableton running as the program in front, use my personal fx routing system, and all my other Ableton tricks with the DVS as the sidekick, but properly synched with Ableton as well as the ability to manipulate clips and FX?? with vinyl. Then I'd switch.

I'd pay and learn and be thrilled with Serato hosted in Ableton.

So I will settle for my current method. For me Ableton is the key, not the DVS. Adding DVS to Ableton would just be an added bonus to Ableton, not adding Ableton to the DVS.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by SubFunk » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:54 pm wrote:I swear we're looking at two totally different things here.

The only thing I can see that traktor has over this is 4 deck vinyl emulation. So if all of you people NEED to scratch on 4 decks at once, okay you got that part beat.

On every other single front, the collaboration does everything that traktor does (in a different way, admittedly), and does it with more parameters, more effects, and (i just thought of this) you can use it as a live instrument too. I could hook up my fantom g, play some live keys in my mix with the fantom sound engine, and instantly switch to a soft synth in Live or a VST and use the fantom as a midi controller.

I'm really not understanding what traktor has over this besides the 4 deck emulation. Please enlighten me.
to me mainly the pitch bend behaviour via midi (not talking a DJ controller, like the VCI-100, just buttons) it's bar to none PURR...FECT and not reached by anyone else yet (well i know how to make even that better, but keep that for now to myself). and the whole midi and short key setup of functions, i admit last time i played with serato was about 3 years ago... and at that time it was weak compared to traktor3, well i would love to make the switch, really i like ableton to be my DJ application... and i hope they get there...

and again it is without a single doubt a great thing for existing serato users, absolute sure! but it does not really offer [yet] anything for people who hoped that ableton will allow it to make the switch from traktor to ableton. (talking the none conservative 'midi' DJ types) respectively offers something for people who use ableton for DJ-ing already. all the advantages are really on the serato side.

fact is i love to beta test it, i am so demanding when it comes to the issue of DJ-ing, so utterly demanding, that i would love to hardcore testdrive it.
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by rikhyray » Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:21 pm

It is not that Traktor is good, better, great, whatever. If it was so great the Live users who use Traktor for DJing wouldnt be writing, bothering here. Just that we all look for are better tools to do what we want to do, Ableton hyped that Serato coop too much and now no Serato users, specially Traktor users are disappointed, not because they would have to spend money buying Serato since if anyone DJ professionally it is hardly big expense but we want to move ahead not backwards.
Nothing against Serato, decent, solid tool that made vinyl DJs life easier but as compared to current Traktor Pro, specially non vinyl emulation DJ feel like moving back 2 years or more.
There are lot of people here who use Traktor only because they cant use Live for DJing. I wouldnt think twice dropping Traktor but Serato even with Bridge is too weak option ,forcing me to use shitty soundcard and junk plasticware is lousy idea. I rather use Traktor with physically or virtually hooked Live using quality soundcard and midi controlers.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by SubFunk » Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:24 pm

rikhyray wrote:It is not that Traktor is good, better, great, whatever. If it was so great the Live users who use Traktor for DJing wouldnt be writing, bothering here. Just that we all look for are better tools to do what we want to do, Ableton hyped that Serato coop too much and now no Serato users, specially Traktor users are disappointed, not because they would have to spend money buying Serato since if anyone DJ professionally it is hardly big expense but we want to move ahead not backwards.
Nothing against Serato, decent, solid tool that made vinyl DJs life easier but as compared to current Traktor Pro, specially non vinyl emulation DJ feel like moving back 2 years or more.
There are lot of people here who use Traktor only because they cant use Live for DJing. I wouldnt think twice dropping Traktor but Serato even with Bridge is too weak option ,forcing me to use shitty soundcard and junk plasticware is lousy idea. I rather use Traktor with physically or virtually hooked Live using quality soundcard and midi controlers.
you read my mind, man. (and thanks for expressing it way better than me!)
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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by selthym » Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:50 pm wrote:you GOT to be kidding me...

If you DONT need vinyl emulation, and dont care to have it, then dont get serato. If you bought already, then you wasted your money and you might as well sell it on ebay and get some money to buy your traktor pro.
But dont comment on this thread cause this doesnt concern you. There are millions of djs that scratch and need vinyl emulation.
Any crazy trick qbert can do with a needle and a record? Oh yeah that really works with a midi controller....

And WTF???? Traktor blows this away? Last time I checked you got 4 channels to work with and 24 effects. So your limited to 4 loops on a live remix. With the bridge you can build up with oh wait ALL OF YOU ABLETON TRACKS???? Last time I checked that was more than 4. Oh and you can loop your midi tracks?? You can only work with the audio files in traktor. On top of all that you can use something like impulse for one shot samples. And then we come to the effects... which hands down I will pick the audio engine of ableton any day over traktor... and you can create more than 24... AND you not only have effects for the tracks but you also have effects for the sends.

You are missing our point. I agree with what you are saying about ableton's advantages over Traktor. The 1 thing that traktor allows that Serato doesn't is being able to use the midi controller that you like... and already own to control it. You do not need a turntable or have to buy a new controller just to use the programme.

I am sure they created this collab to sell more product. I would buy Serato if I did not have to buy new hardware,. As I can't I will stick with my set up of Traktor for DJing and Live for other stuff and not buy it.

BTW all I need to do to get basically the same setup is use traktor and ableton synced through Midi and send the outputs of both to different channels of a dirt cheap 2 channel mixer.

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Re: Ableton & Serato Announce...And it's FREE!

Post by dredd i knight » Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:46 am

although you need the sl1/ sl3 for serato, you dont need turntables or cdj's - you can mix internally using virtual decks. there are key commands for almost eveything, and it accepts midi control. serato 2 is bringing up to 4 decks into the mix, and also effects. add to that 4 sample players, an ableton session (plus all its effects and synths), and i cant really see how this is inferior to traktor.
i stated earlier how i could understand some disgruntlement, but if you open your eyes beyond your personal vision of ableton the traktor killer, its clear the bridge has made that eminently possible depending on how prepared one is to get immersed in learning serato..
and since the serato software is free, it wouldn't make sense to start charging for it now, hence they have to make their cash through the audio interface.
plus you can use your controller of choice...

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