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Amit Segall (Tel Aviv)

Amit Segall has played keyboards and guitar since 1993. As an aspiring singer-songwriter, Amit decided to learn modern production techniques and sound design, and he enrolled in the Rimon School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, where he studied sound engineering and music production. After discovering Live in 2008 (version 7) he started composing electronic music, mainly breaks and drum'n'bass. Amit evolved, combining his singer-songwriter skills with his electronic ambitions.

Late in 2010, Amit launched, the first and only website teaching Ableton Live in Hebrew. Using video tutorials to offer an easy, free and fun way of learning Live, the site has become an important resource for the Israeli Live user community. Amit teaches one-on-one lessons in his home studio on a variety of subjects (and levels), from getting started with Live to basic music production, more advanced music production with Ableton Live, and mixing and advanced synthesis. Amit also consults with musicians, helping them to integrate Ableton Live into their live performances.


Please note: All Ableton Certified Trainers are not employed by Ableton. They are solely responsible for their own course offerings and curricula.