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Special event with Mari Kimura at Berlin University of the Arts

Professor Mari Kimura from the Juilliard School will make a special Max for Live/IRCAM violin project presentation in Berlin on November 22nd.

The event includes a discussion of her work as a classically-trained violinist and a demonstration of the "Gesture Follower" on her violin, a project developed at Ircam in Paris and implemented in Max for Live.

Accompanying Professor Kimura in the presentation will be Bruno Zamborlin of the Real-time Musical Interactions Team at IRCAM.

This event is hosted by the Sound Studies program at the Berlin University of the Arts.

Interactive Performance Possibilities with Gesture Following Technology: A Demonstration/Discussion by Professor Mari Kimura

November 22nd, 2010 at 19:00

Sound Studies - UdK Berlin
Lietzenburger Straße 45 - Raum 314

Cost: free

Registration: not required

More information:

Photo by Christopher Downes