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Did I hit the limit of 32 bit?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:31 pm
by C418
My sets are usually pretty big, having a lot of stuff like East Wests Hollywood Strings with the 'powerful system' presets running.

When it comes to external VST, I can at least get around the limitations of 32 bits by using jbridge, which does the trick really well.

But when I am near the RAM limit and want to add Live internal stuff, it tends to break. For example, if I have a pretty loaded set with, say, 30 channels and add a Max4Live instrument, it does get added. But when I try to play a note, the synth or whatever it is plays it back with a sort of ringing as if the latency is too small and the computer is too slow. But this isn't the case. I tried it with several sound cards, internal and external. And I'm pretty certain that my computer is not slow, but it might be the cause of the problem?

Personally I don't think so though. I have an i7 2600k and I'm pretty sure that Live does like that processor very much. I have 32 gigs of RAM, but I 've never heard about issues due to too much ram.

I really love Max4Live, but this is a serious issue... and I hope it's "merely" the limitations of 32 bit, which will hopefully vanish with an eventual release of Ableton Live 9 in 2130.

TL;DR My sets tend to get so big in RAM usage that I easily break Max4Live, making it emit ringing noises over the actual sound. Anyone know why?

Re: Did I hit the limit of 32 bit?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:24 pm
by Warrior Bob
I don't know why offhand (I'm willing to bet it has something to do with how the max runtime works, which is something I don't understand at all), but is it possible to make a recording of what those sounds come out like? I'd be interested to hear.

You may have hit the limit of your machine somewhere. Live gets along with an i7 just fine but I have no idea how your plugins do.

Perhaps use some kind of diagnostic tool to see what your system is doing over time? Maybe see if you're maxing out your processor?

What happens if you don't use jbridge and still run up against the limit? Same sound?

Re: Did I hit the limit of 32 bit?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:51 pm
by C418
Alright. I tried a bit just now on a recent song, removed all jbridge instances and tried to reproduce the issue I'm having by simply adding more Max4Live synths. I just put in 5 additional Kasio's, Granulator, Pluggos etc and at the 6th it started ringing. Interestingly, only that instance was ringing, and every additional synth I tried to add. Every other Max4Live instance already in the set was working perfectly fine. I was looking at the processor and ram usage and have seen nothing spectacular. The processor merely used 15%, the set doesn't click due to latency issues or anything and Ableton merely takes 2 gigabytes of ram. It's just the Max4Live plugins acting weird.

What's worse, if I save the set and reload it, much more Max4Live presets start crashing, it's just much more random and less predictable.

I once had that issue when working on a song, saving it and after reloading it a day after, I had to painfully remove every channel except the Max4Live ones, save it like that, restart Live and then freezing those instances. Eugh, haha.

Here's a recording of the same instrument, one frozen when it was working, one frozen when it was "crashed".

