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  • Rome Italie

Fonderie Sonore is a school for electronic music producers based in Rome. The school offers courses in the fields of computer music production and sound engineering. The main software used for electronic music classes is​ L​ive, along with its dedicated MIDI controller, Push.

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The school offers courses in Live and Max for Live, as well as in-­depth courses on various aspects of music production, such as sound design and mixing. The topics covered in the courses are implemented into practice using Live and classes are constantly supplemented with workshops dedicated to specific audio topics, showcasing audio products, and electronic music events.

The courses aim to provide solid theoretical and practical training with the help of expert staff who have a wide range of experience, not only in audio but education as well.

Fonderie Sonore is a fully ­equipped educational facility and our workspace is designed exclusively for this purpose. The integration of classroom and audio lab allows students to gradually acquire and develop skills through practice. All student workstations are supplied with a copy of Live, Push, an audio interface, headphones, and a midi keyboard/digital synthesizer.

Lectures are supported through an e­-learning platform, which is used to share lesson podcasts, lecture notes, projects, and video feedback.

Our main course is called A​bleton Live Producer​. It is composed of 9 modules, developed in Live, to provide all the essential skills for becoming a professional producer and live performer. Topics covered include synthesis, music theory, beat programming, creative sampling, and more.

Ableton Live courses are taught by Giancarlo Lanza, an Ableton Live Specialist in Italy. Courses are structured at different levels, from basic to advanced.

Fonderie Sonore aims to train producers and live performers, encouraging their career development through collaborations with various partners such as record labels and clubs in the electronic music scene.

Remarque: les formateurs certifiés Ableton et les Centres de Formation Certifiés Ableton sont des entités ou entreprises privées et ne constituent ni des employés ni des agents d'Ableton. Ils ne sont pas administrés par Ableton AG, Ableton Inc. ou Ableton KK. Les formateurs et les centres sont seuls responsables de leurs propres offres de cours et de leurs programmes. Ableton n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les actions des formateurs ou des centres.