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Ableton records over reason track? why

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:03 am
now the problem , I'm having is I have the prefect song in reason, now after I try to us some of live sounds to put ontop of my reason track... remind you I have reason running a slave at this point... when i listen to ableton... it drowns out my reason track... and the stuff I have saved from reason get recorded over..

I'm not understanding that, becuase thought i just learn how to use live and now, I'm seeing that problem I thought after I created something in reason, I can now go inot LIve in finish up with more sound with live running by itself

Re: Ableton records over reason track? why

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:14 am
by djmyke
NOEWAN wrote:now the problem , I'm having is I have the prefect song in reason, now after I try to us some of live sounds to put ontop of my reason track... remind you I have reason running a slave at this point... when i listen to ableton... it drowns out my reason track... and the stuff I have saved from reason get recorded over..

I'm not understanding that, becuase thought i just learn how to use live and now, I'm seeing that problem I thought after I created something in reason, I can now go inot LIve in finish up with more sound with live running by itself
what you can do is.. render the song in reason .. tranfer the rendered wav file to ableton. =)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:22 am
by dango
record your stuff from reason onto dedicated tracks, then record the other stuff you want to record in live onto other tracks. if you want to re record stuff on the same track without damaging the original audio turn overdub on.

what you want to do is very doable, actually that is the main thing live does.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:54 pm
by laird
1. Disarm the track(s) you recorded from Reason into Live
(i.e. turn the red record button(s) OFF
2. Create new audio (cntrl-T) or MIDI (cntrl-shift-T) tracks in Live
(in Reason, when you create a new instrument (like nn-xt) you get 1. the instrument and 2. the corresponding track on the sequencer. In Live, you first create the "sequencer track", and secondly you drop an instrument (or recorded sound) into/onto it.)

3. Arm a new track (red recrod button on that track lights up)
4. Record new stuff into this Live track.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:44 pm
by xxxmorphicxxx
I hope this isn't a double post... something went wrong when I tried to post this earlier...

I use Ableton 6 and Reason for the 99% of all my music. I have my template set up in Live so I begin a few audio tracks, a few midi tracks, and a track titled "Reason". Monitoring on the Reason track is set to on, and the input is selected as "Reason 1/2 LR" or something to that effect.

I think this is the best way to do it, because with Reason rewired, you can control everything that's coming from Reason with that one Live fader, right alongside all fo your Live tracks. You mix the Reason instruments with Reason's mixer, and any changes you make to Reason will come through in real time. Simple enough, and convenient.

one more time

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:48 pm
I created my files a wav.file then sent it to ableton. and now i'm not hearing any sounds but I can say that I have seen what you are talking about far as it recording all the instrument I sequenced... so All I need to do it learn how to hear the music
okay now before when i use to record I use to see the wav recording, now when io record it shows the color of the seqenuces i'm using, but the funny thing about that is is I'm not running reason in slave mode I not getting any sound... so now i want to know what is being recorded. Let me ask is ableton some what like my mpc it has no sounds but it make builtful music when wav is put inside of it???????