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live unexpectedly quit

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:21 pm
by 101-ism
hey all, new to the forum but not to live, having a major problem..

Just recently whenever i have Live looping and then drag in a new sample to the arrangment view live crashs..? say's "live unexpectedly quit" anyone else have/had this. its only just stated happening and is a recurring problem whenever I drag samples into a looping session.

The samples are stored on an external firewire hard disk and are only single hits, I'm running a macbook pro with 1gb ram.. as I said above its only recently started happing, previous to this issue live has been a dream.

any ideas?

Re: live unexpectedly quit

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:34 pm
by Frankie
no idea but mine has just done this as well. I'm going to contact the abes because this track was very important, and now i can't access it!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:04 am
by 101-ism
just tried a few things to see if i could narrow down the problem.

I ran Live with no hardware attched (no external drive, no soundcard, no midi i/o) just using the macbook pro's built in soundcard, and draged in audio from my partitioned local drive whilst live was looping.. It seemed ok but then if i create an audio track (apple+t) whilst i'm dragging and holding the new sample above the arrangment window it crashs.. so i'm clicking and dragging in a sample whilst at the same time as holding the new audio above the session view i'm creating an audio track to drop it on to with the apple + t shortcut.. hope that makes sense.

I think this eliminates any external hardware problems like my my firewire drivem or soundcard. I have also tried running a clean up app on my mac's os, which reparied some permisson problems etc.. but it hasnt helped.

Frankie: can you recreate the problem like I have to see if were dealing with the sam issue?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:54 am
by 101-ism
have also tried:

deleting the ableton live preference file ( from the application preferences folder.

running disk utility to check on local drives health: all fine.

I'm kinda out of ideas, thinking maybe this is a bug... maybe? can anyone else recrete this problem in live 6.0.5 ? try looping live whilst holding onto an audio file (pre import), hovering it over the arrangment page, then before dropping it in create an audio track: (apple + t) then drop in onto the audio new audio track... mine just quits.

??? help ???

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:41 pm
by DrXparaMental
101-ism wrote:have also tried:

deleting the ableton live preference file ( from the application preferences folder.

running disk utility to check on local drives health: all fine.

I'm kinda out of ideas, thinking maybe this is a bug... maybe? can anyone else recrete this problem in live 6.0.5 ? try looping live whilst holding onto an audio file (pre import), hovering it over the arrangment page, then before dropping it in create an audio track: (apple + t) then drop in onto the audio new audio track... mine just quits.

??? help ???
I just had a similar problem with 5.2 using XP home. I was using Stylus RMX and that "swear" noise you get, that I guess occurs when the memory is maxed, (although this is weird because the CPU load never shows even close to 50%) just stuck and I had to close the program via ctl/alt/delete windows over ride. When I brought the program back up it said what you mentioned above and asked if I wanted to retrieve the information as "untitled" At that point I got everything back that I had lost when the program froze initially.

I figured up until I read this thread that the problem lay in either Stylus RMX or the 5.2.2 upgrade. Now I am REALLY curious.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:20 pm
by 101-ism
DrXparaMental: is this problem occuring every time you do what i described in my last post:

"I'm kinda out of ideas, thinking maybe this is a bug... maybe? can anyone else recrete this problem in live 6.0.5 ? try looping live whilst holding onto an audio file (pre import), hovering it over the arrangment page, then before dropping it in create an audio track: (apple + t) then drop in onto the audio new audio track... mine just quits."

? ?

I dont think its a maxed out RAM problem cause it still happens after a computer restart and fresh live session. Gonna leave it today to see if anyone can help out here before bugging the offical cats at live.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:20 pm
by 101-ism
Just so eveyone know's:

I have now spoke to the guys at ableton and they confirm that this issue is a bug and can recreate the problem.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:24 pm
by DrXparaMental
101-ism wrote:Just so eveyone know's:

I have now spoke to the guys at ableton and they confirm that this issue is a bug and can recreate the problem.

any idea if this problem has been fixed? Possible additional info on the web?


Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:25 am
by 101-ism
its not been fixed.. I would guess its something for the next live update.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:34 pm
by DrXparaMental
101-ism wrote:its not been fixed.. I would guess its something for the next live update.
I am not completely certain that it is specific to any one version although it certainly needs to be corrected however. I've had this issue with BOTH 5.0 & 6.0. I know others personally that have the issue using Mac & PC computers. I get the occasional solid & loud mid frequency feedback type cyclic hum when "live unexpectedly quits" and the computer has to be manually shut down and restarted. It's a fascinating pain in the keester and I almost believe it's ASIO related. I KNOW many people are experiencing this issue. The thing with this particular issue that seems to be relevant or common is hard drive access efficiency and it's relation to reactive processor activity. It's easy to jump up and quickly blame the hardware but when you look at the issue in a more controlled sense, there are too many variables with respect to multiple types of processor and hard drive configuration for the problem to be isolated to relevant memory, "access speed" or single/duel core configuration.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:55 am
by tribe9
I'm having same issue...please post if you find a solution