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add to the conclusion on trigger finger/padcontrol/mpd24!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:14 pm
by lero
Hello everybody!
I own a trigger finger that I decided to sell it in order to buy the akai mpd24 that comes out next month. I haven’t tried it yet but this is why I decided to do so:
Akai mpd vs the Trigger Finger
-It’s supposed to have mpc pads. If this isn’t an advantage I don’t know what is!
-It has as many knobs as the TF but even more faders. I work with Live and Reason so faders and knobs always come in handy.
-It has some extra buttons and especially the “full level”, “16 level” buttons. This is also a very “attractive” feature!
BUT! There are 2 things that I’m not so sure about so share your opinions and wisdom with me:
- 4 banks. What does that mean? Does it mean memory locations? If so the TF has 16! 4 is very little.
- TF translates pressure into gradual CC changes so you can use the pads as knobs, too. Does anyone know if the mpd24 does that? And why shouldn’t it? I mean since the pads can be assigned to send CC and also they are velocity and pressure sensitive isn’t that all it takes to translate pressure into gradual CC changes? If this is a “TF only feature” it’s a shame that the mpd24 doesn’t have it cause you can do craaaazy stuff with effects in a more creative way than with knobs.. I admit this is the only reason why I would keep the TF…

But there is also the Korg padcontrol! And I have to say 8O !!! In every thread that there has been a TF vs Akai vs Padc , the padcontrol users seem so happy with it and say that in what concerns drum programming the padc kicks TF/akai’s ass!!! So, now I’m confused!
Korg padcontrol vs Akai mpd24 vs the trigger finger
-I’m telling you, I read so many good things about the drum programming/playing of the padc that I am persuaded that it’s the best! What obviously helps a lot on that domain is the “roll” and “flame” buttons in coordination with the X-Y pad section. Also it has a pedal input that if you want you can assign a kick to the petal. This sounds great but has anybody done this? I am asking cause I find it weird that a SP1 petal that is made for a “calm” use can handle a “drum-kick-constant” use. If it works that’s fantastic! So in what concerns drums it seems like it even has an advantage to the mpd24(we are talking about drums so the TF is already left behind…..).
Now on what concerns the rest(notes/loop/sample playing etc)
- It has a “hold” button. Is this the same as the “repeat note” button that the mpc has and the pmd 24 doesn’t have? If it is it’s a great great feature….
- Midi in. The mpd24 also has it. Hm, I’m still a bit confused about midi connections so can anybody tell me what is this useful for?
- The X-Y pad. Unique padc feature that helps with effects if you assign different CCs to the axes.
-16 user scene memories.
- It only has 2 knobs and no faders.Agrhhhh!!
- that TF feature that I mentioned above about the pad/gradual CC change. Only on the TF??

Soooooo!!Trigger Finger vs Korg Padcontrol vs Akai mpd!!! Based on my experience with the TF and the posts I’ve read, in different forums, from people who tried them or own them or compared them this is my conclusion at this point:

Padcontrol advantage= Best for drum related functions
Akai24 advantage = good pads and more controllers (more loop friendly???)
Trigger finger advantage = translates pressure into gradual CC changes(pads=knobs)( Only a TF thing????)

Do you agree? Anything to add? Should I finally sell the f## thing?
cheers everybody!:D

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:18 pm
by rikhyray
I like the padKontrol better, compact, light and I like the pad feel more. Touchpad is wicked device but Akai is great too it all depend on your needs. Definitely must try each. TF is piece of shit.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:19 pm
by rikhyray
I like the padKontrol better, compact, light and I like the pad feel more. Touchpad is wicked device but Akai is great too it all depend on your needs. Definitely must try each. TF is piece of shit.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:47 pm
by kb420
I have a Trigger Finger too, and it does have a full level button.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:50 pm
by John Sweet
I really think the pressure-to-CC thing is TF only. padKontrol definitely can't do it. Two knobs is a huuuuge drag, plus you can't easily edit what MIDI channel they're assigned to from preset to preset, so it's harder to cheat extra knobs with bank switching. Same with the XY pad. I wanted 16 different XY controls, but in order for it to work with the rest of my controller mapping scheme sometimes I'd need a different MIDI channel for the X and Y values--can't be done. It seems to just default to the specified global channel for the preset.

The "hold" button locks the current flam or roll value so you can get both hands back to playing drums. You specifiy which pads are enabled for rolling and flamming, and it's so quick you can do it on the fly. Everything about playing drums on the pK is smooth. It's more instrument than controller, unless you just want buttons.

If you don't have another comprehensive controller to pair up with, the Akai may be a good balance, but only if they figure out the pressure-to-CC thing.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:00 pm
by lero
and the 4 banks thing...if it didn't have that it would be perfect

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:13 am
by Buleriachk
I just bought a padKontrol, and am using it in conjunction with a uc-33e. So far I'm delighted with it......

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:39 am
by RickySaL
4 banks doesn't mean pads, it has 16 pads X 4 banks = 64 pads

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:32 pm
by lero
RickySaL wrote:4 banks doesn't mean pads, it has 16 pads X 4 banks = 64 pads

eeerr :roll: yes...i know...I asked if 4 banks means 4 memory locations not...pads!

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:21 pm
by RickySaL
yeah not 64 pads in a physical sense, but 4 memory locations on each one

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:38 am
by M. Bréqs
I just recently upgraded from an Akai MPD-16. I needed more than 2 banks!

I bought a Pad Kontrol.

Why not the Trigger Finger? I tried the pads, they sucked. If you didn't hit them dead centre, they would not generate high velocity drum events.

Why not the MPD-24? Only 4 banks. If I thought I could get away with 4 banks, I would have chosen this. I was very impressed with Akai's pads.

I went with the Korg Pad Kontrol because they had 16 banks, the pads were 90% the quality of the Akais, and I use a Remote 37 SL for my other controls so I had no shortage of faders and knobs.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:50 am
by peterkirn
I've tried the MPD-16, Korg padKONTROL, and M-Audio Trigger Finger. While the pads aren't the best, the Trigger Finger works well as a simple controller, though I'd skip it for serious drum programming. The pads on the MPD-16 aren't anywhere near as consistent and expressive as those on the Korg. So the Korg is my choice for serious drum programming. You've likely got plenty of knobs and faders on your control surface. My only real gripe? No mic stand mount. Anyone found a good way of mounting the Korg?

(I'm keeping my Trigger Finger around for VJ sets, etc.)