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Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:25 pm
by mikemc
The delete thing is kind of a quandry, I guess. Here's something I did that is maybe interesting, derived from some of the tips and tricks stuff regarding using MIDI clips as automation triggers.

I've set up my guitar to come in as an external input, armed to record that input, but I will actually be recording clips on another track.

I've set up a second track to accept input from that first audio track, this is my "routed guitar input".

On a third track, I take a blank MIDI clips, put a note in it, send it out to a MIDI yoke that is set up in prefs for track output and remote input. The clips is four beats long, the note comes sometime in the last beat. My clip launch quantize is set to one bar.

There are some backing tracks, one with a drum loop, one with a bass, one with a chording generated from the bass note. But one midi track is only for the "automation track" with an empty MIDI clip in the first scene of some number of bars for a 'lead in', all of these clips in scene 1.

All the MIDI clips for this are loops.

The second scene has my 'one note' MIDI clip in the same track as the lead in. The drum session track has all stop buttons removed.

I start that one note clip playing, then I go into MIDI map and click an empty clip slot, in the same scene, on the routed guitar input track. I let it play until the MIDI map indicates the clip record button will be armed by the note in the automation clip.

I repeat this for four following scenes, copying the one note clip and changing the note in each 'triggering clip' so it activates the record button on it's counterpart in the routed guitar in track.

(all recording happens in the routed guitar in track, live input is in a separate track, routed to the, uh, routed guitar in track)

Then, I assign follow actions for the all of the lead-in and triggering MIDI clips. The last one in the row plays "any" of the previous, just for grins.

I arm the guitar in, and start the first scene, so just drums are playing. I play along with the drums and bass maybe, maybe not. I see the second scene clip flashing, indicating it will play, it plays and recording starts in my routed guitar track.

After a bit, my routed guitar track is filled with 'captured guitar stuff' and I am playing along with it through the primary in guitar track. If I get tired of one of the captured clips, I lean over to the keyboard and delete it, and in a little while it fills in again. Actually, what would be cool is some kind of 'midi mappable quick-move to Live Clip folder'.

I'm on a really slow connection so I can't upload screenshots, etc, but I hope this helps.

[edited a bunch, finally to add this...]

if you'd like a video of this PM me and if I get enough asks I'll put one together eventually and get to a faster connection to put it up somewhere.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:52 pm
by mooncaine
charvel-floyd wrote:'ve sold me on using Live/Guitar as a match made in heaven. Now would you be able to...pretty, pretty please, post a vid/tutorial of this method. If not Ryan, would anybody else be willing to post a vid or graphic description of how this works (a la Romper Room style). Thanks.
Dunno what you mean by Romper Room style, but if I ever get this figured out, *I'll* make a frikn video! I'll probably be raving and drooling by then.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:49 pm
by Tone Deft
this was posted in another thread.

how to loop a guitar with Live and an FCB1010

and bump for more Live looping discussions.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:34 pm
by nebulae
Tone Deft wrote:this was posted in another thread.

how to loop a guitar with Live and an FCB1010

and bump for more Live looping discussions.
Good video. I set up my FCB a little differently...with Bomme's, I can map keyboard keys to the FCB, so I can use the arrow keys and navigate the loops and trigger them by hitting Enter (also mapped to the FCB). Still, great video to explain how it's all done. Nice!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:02 am
by mooncaine
Thanks, Tone. I figured out how to do it, with all the help here at the forum, but then I was, like, all dressed up w/ no music to play... now I need to figure out what styles of music to make with it. Looks like Willits isn't using Mackie Emulation, which is awesome, esp. for Mac users like me who can't get love from Bomes.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:06 am
by Tone Deft
mooncaine wrote:Thanks, Tone. I figured out how to do it, with all the help here at the forum, but then I was, like, all dressed up w/ no music to play... now I need to figure out what styles of music to make with it.
I think you need silly music to start, noise and nothing meant to be heard by any human than yourself. usually a good place to start.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:16 am
by mooncaine
Oh, no worries there, I've got that, but I meant: something that I'd like *you* and the rest of the world to hear.
