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CPU spikes,stutter after 2 hours while decoding mp3

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:03 am
by zekrab
Last Saturday, i've had my first dj set with v5.02. After 2 hours of set where everything was running fine, i've experienced brief CPU spikes and sound stuttering and dropouts mainly when live was decoding mp3 on the second track. I was running only two tracks at the same time, complex mode, no external plugins. Most of the time the CPU was steady at 25%.
PC P4 3.2Ghz, 7200 internal HD, echoindigodj at 512samples, 2Go RAM.

A very very embarassing situation and an argument with the promoter...
Fortunately people were happy with the tracks i've played!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:01 pm
by helixx
i had this happen to me again (second week in a row) except this time it came with a bonus -- after it started exhibiting this problem for about three songs, the sound totally cut out and live had to be restarted... weeeeeee

talk about embarassing.

this was about 3 hours into my set. i had itunes running on another machine which i fired up after i figured out the whole thing had gone pear-shaped but it really did suck.

i emailed support.