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Piano Roll in Live only has 6 notes

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:28 pm
by cglassey
I am using Ableton Live 12 Standard. When I play my midi keyboard, it sounds horrible. I thought I was going mad, but it looks like Ableton's piano roll is only allowing me to play musical notes from a non-standard western musical scale.

Here are the sequential notes Ableton will let me play using the built in piano roll starting at C5.
-E koron5 (???)

where are the rest of my notes? why can I only play this very strange scale? where are the sharps/flats? where is the 'B5' note? Something strange is going on, and I dont know why the built in piano roll isnt letting me play the 12-note chromatic scale.

Has anyone encountered this before?


Re: Piano Roll in Live only has 6 notes

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:43 pm
by pottering
Sounds like you loaded a tuning, just delete it in the Tuning panel if you don't like it. ... ng-systems