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Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:10 pm
by [jur]
Calagan wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:49 pm
Before sending something to Ableton and receiving the usual questions, I need to test more methodically my Live set...
Any news on this Calagan?

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:01 am
by Calagan
Hi. Didn't have time to prepare a video explaining this to the Ableton support. It's on its way but still not finished.
I truly want they take this problem seriously, so I don't want to just throw some complain and let it go...

I'll keep you in touch.

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 7:47 am
by [jur]
Nice, thx

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:46 am
by Calagan
It’s been few days I contacted the support with a detailed video, but so far no answer.
I’ll keep you in touch, but I’ve got some gigs soon and it’s a very problematic issue...

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:25 am
by Calagan
By the way, doing the video I discovered that if I turn off everything in my set, so not only one plugin or clip (midi and audio) is active (everything you see in any track is grey), the problem is still there.

And beyond the play/stop issue, "reactivate automation" causes a click, "back to arrangement" causes a click, but strangely "stop all clips" doesn't...

So it's not linked to Satson or any other plugin : it's an issue with Live.

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:57 am
by Calagan
I just received a very short answer to my support email.

In short, they admit they are aware of the issue and tell me that it might be improved in the future, but also that they don't know if and when it will improved.

The interesting technical note is what they say about the origin of the issue : each time one triggers play/stop/back to arrangement/reactivate automation, Live sends a "midi note off" message (CC123) to ALL INSTRUMENT DEVICES IN THE SET.
This can cause a CPU spike.

At least now I understand the cause of the issue, and why it makes problem even when everyting is turned off...

I wonder if it can be filtered (with a M4L device) and if yes, if it causes another kind of troubles...

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:13 pm
by Kahuun
Hi Calagan

I have the same issue as you, with the exact same computer. Running Monterey 12.4 and Ableton 11.2.6 (just relased).
There was never such problems with my old MB Pro from 2012.

I have CPU spikes and audio clicks when starting and stoping with only Ableton stock plugins. So frustrating.

Since I havent heard any others complain I thought it was my own computer, but at least there are two of us.

Hope the Ableton will team sort this out. Impossible to work like this.


Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:27 am
by [jur]
Kahuun wrote:
Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:13 pm
Hi Calagan

I have the same issue as you, with the exact same computer. Running Monterey 12.4 and Ableton 11.2.6 (just relased).
There was never such problems with my old MB Pro from 2012.

I have CPU spikes and audio clicks when starting and stoping with only Ableton stock plugins. So frustrating.

Since I havent heard any others complain I thought it was my own computer, but at least there are two of us.

Hope the Ableton will team sort this out. Impossible to work like this.

Even if Support is already aware, it's worth reporting it on your side too as it will put a +1 to the bug's priority ;-)

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:08 am
by Calagan
I just updated my copy of Live to the latest version - 11.2.6

Is it just me or the clicks are gone when hitting play, stop or launching scenes ?

I still didn't have the time to try it on a lot of songs, but yesterday I was working on a very CPU heavy mix and I didn't have any click when hitting play and stop. I didn't try yet with launching scenes...

Can someone confirm ?

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:07 pm
by jbegin
Hi. I was having this issue as well. When I selected all clips and removed the stop button, the issue went away. I did not see a visual spike in the cpu meter, but this seemed to solve the pops. Quite an annoying bug, and one I hadn’t experienced ever before.

Hopefully that will be addressed.

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 4:33 pm
by [jur]
jbegin wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:07 pm
Hi. I was having this issue as well. When I selected all clips and removed the stop button, the issue went away. I did not see a visual spike in the cpu meter, but this seemed to solve the pops. Quite an annoying bug, and one I hadn’t experienced ever before.

Hopefully that will be addressed.
Which Live version are you running?

Re: Is it possible to avoid clicks when launching scenes ???

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 6:44 pm
by jbegin