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Can't afford to upgrade right now? I have a plan!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:48 am
by smutek
So the wifey and I were talking today. I was drooling over that hypnotic, almost god-like black box on the home page wishing our finances were in the "correct" state so that I could just order it and be done with it.

It's only $150.00

It's $150.00 that we don't have. Your tuition needs to be paid, such and such is due, etc. etc. needs to be paid, blah blah blah needs to be replaced.

Can we charge it?

Unfortunately no. we paid (insert ridiculous figure here) in credit card interest last year. We only use the credit cards for emergencies.

It's only $150.00

It's not that I don't want you to have it........

Eventually I give up, because as usual wifey if right. we just do not have the extra loot at the moment. She is the minister of finance here and she does a damn good job. If I were the one handling the money the ship would have sunk years ago. I admit it.

So anyway, as I lit up a newport I thought, what can I give up to fit this purchase in?

And it dawned on me. Eureeeeeeka! Wifey and I hammered out this plan.

Tomorrow I will quit smoking. The money I am not spending on cigarettes everyday will go towards upgrading to the black box. I will be able to order the boxed upgrade in 4 weeks! And I will be healthier!

I quit drinking and getting high almost 6 years ago and smoking is my last unhealthy habbit. I have been wanting to quit recently and the wife just gave it up the other day. So now is the perfect time.

So, if you smoke ciggarettes, and you can't afford to upgrade right now, join me!
Smoke your last cigarette tonight before bed and wake up tomorrow smoke free!

I will post back everyday I go w/o a smoke until I reach my goal!

May the schwartz be with me and all who follow!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:55 am
by bensuthers
good luck.

may the force be with you.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:00 am
by AdamJay

eat ramen noodles and sell your plasma twice a week.
by my calculations that should get you Live 5 upgrade within 2 weeks time, possibly less.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:04 am
by smutek
bensuthers wrote:good luck.

may the force be with you.
As goofy as my post may be, I am 100% serious.

So thanks man! I am confident I can do it. Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting smoking just so I can upgrade. I really want to quit smoking, so the idea of a yummy prize after 4 weeks of abstinence is a solid motivator for me.

If I succeed hopefully I will motivate others to do the same.

If I fail, well.... failure is not an option!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:06 am
by smutek
Thanks Adam, but if I smoke a pack to a pack and a half of newport 100's a day (like I do now) while eating only ramen noodles and giving blood 2x a week... well, I fear I would not live 2 weeks!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:11 am
by suburbanbather
Shit......... I just took up smoking again for the off and on umpteenth time. I guess as soon as I finish my pack I'll quit again. 8)

Good luck!

drop me a line.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:11 am
by amo
Good plan Smutek,
I wish I would take the same decision now, bbut really don't feel it's the right time... maybe bulls***

Courage and will ! as you need it !


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:16 am
by summersc2002
or u could speed up the whole process and go to a sperm bank

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:16 am
by forge
Great Idea, I'm in!

no wait, I dont smoke


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:18 am
by summersc2002
or u could speed up the whole process and go to a sperm bank

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:24 am
by DJRetard
Definitely go for it.

The most important thing here is you STOP SMOKING and a little encouragement might help. You have publicly told the world you WILL stop smoking. If you fail you dont deserve your copy of live 5. In fact, you will be sent back to version 1 Beta 000.0011 (an idea only)

SO I will be checking with you in a weeks time to see how your doing. if you havent stopped I will post that you FAILED. Your not even allowed a sneaky puff behind the bike shed.

Cigarrettes no longer exist in your world.

Im serious.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:27 am
by smutek
DJRetard wrote: If you fail you dont deserve your copy of live 5. In fact, you will be sent back to version 1 Beta 000.0011


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:33 am
by jbible
You can do it!!!

I just quit in January. The chemical nicotine addiction that makes you super irratible is out of your system in 48 hours...after that you just have to deal with the mental addiction and oral fixation which isnt nearly as bad but can catch you off guard. For the first couple of months while sitting behind the computer I found myself reaching for my pack and thinking WTF. Weirds you out sometimes. Also I get allot more done with my hands in the studio instead of fidgeting with my cigarrette I am tweeking knobs quite a bit more.

It is the best thing I have ever decided to do, health wise, and financially. I cant imagine ever going back to smoking again. So go for it man...its totally worth it.

Come to think of it...if I had still be smoking all the months I wouldnt have been able to afford to put my order through last friday cause I was just barely able to afford.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:53 am
by muthafunka
Go for it man, you can do it, like someone said, it's just no longer a part of your life, not making a big deal of it makes it all the easier. Still never ceases to amaze me that so many otherwise conscious/conscientious beings that want little to do with 'the man' and his doings continue to buy into the biggest conspiracy to drain folk of their money and kill the evidence at the same time ever perpetrated. Don't remember the exact statistic but smoking killed something like more people than the total number killed in all wars in, the 20th century.
(Hops off soapbox) But hey, I'm down on smoking, not smokers, used to do it myself. So, all power to ya Smut-ty man, eyes on the prize!

Re: Can't afford to upgrade right now? I have a plan!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:23 am
by jimbugtm
smutek wrote: ...
Tomorrow I will quit smoking. The money I am not spending on cigarettes everyday will go towards upgrading to the black box.
... and your lungs will begin to thank you immediately.

I can't count the number of tiimes I tried to quit. When I did finally quit, I did so
because I decided that I really wanted to.

That was more than sixteen years ago. No cravings since then, and I was on the
way to a two-pack daily habit.

Good luck, and don't forget to appreciate breathing.

- jim