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Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:00 pm
by fastfx

i was recording some audio, and Live crashed, when i opened it back up it says the Wav file is missing, i still have the Wav file but it says Zero KB's for its size. Is there anyway to recover that file?


Re: Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:30 pm
by chrk
tomf wrote:i still have the Wav file but it says Zero KB's for its size.
Where have you found it? For how long have you been recording and at what samplerate and bit depth?

Live reserves a filename as soon as you record-arm an audio track. Filesize is 0 bytes at this point. When you start recording the clip it will start writing the audio stream into that very file (In a file explorer I can watch the filesize grow, while Live is recording).

So something must have gone very wrong with your recording if the filesize is still zero after the crash. And/or you have already armed the track again and are looking at the new reserved file.

If the filesize had been substantially above zero but the file not recognized by LIve there would have been ways to salvage it by importing it into an audio editor as raw pcm and restore the header, but so...

Re: Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:41 pm
by fastfx
yeah i figured it was odd because this has happened before, but when i went to fix the corrupt file on the times before, the file was always large in size, then i just put it in audacity and repaired it.

This time though its saying 0Kb size, which is odd, it should be about 1gb. It recorded fine, i was looking at the waveform as it was recording, all totally normal.

I found it in the recorded folder on said project.

Re: Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:01 pm
by annihilator.1
Live has a temp folder which it records into before moving things to the library, check in File/folder of lives preferences for the location, the file might be in the temp folder!

Re: Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:20 pm
by chrk
annihilator.1 wrote:Live has a temp folder which it records into before moving things
AFAIK the specified temp folder is only used for unsaved projects/sets.

That's why I asked where he's found the zero length wav, and the Samples/Recorded folder in the project sounds right, exactly the one I looked at when testing.

Re: Live 10 crash WAV repair?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:31 pm
by fastfx
Yeah i think thats the case, once you've saved your project its recording into that folder. Good shout tho thanks.

What i did notice though, is that in live 10, i was recording but it was recording into a different project folder.
This happened when i open a project, then i select save project as - name it whatever' then carry on. Sometime is do this because i like what I've set up in one project so i start a new project that way so i don't have to copy all the channels and what i set up again.
