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APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:10 pm
by cpyatak
I own and absolutely love my First Gen APC 40. I think I want Push 2. (It seems that the general consensus is that Push 3 is a long way off.) Is it bonkers to have and use both side by side?

Re: APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:48 pm
by McAnix
I borrowed a old APC 40 awhile ago, still a great piece of gear. I decided to get a Push2 as I wanted a sequencer and all the other cool stuff. A bonus of having the APC is you can control all your sends, clips, and volumes quickly and easily, you can do the same with the push but I still can't get used to having to changes views on it. It takes too long from a performance point of view and so I just ended up using note view and got an APC mini to control clips and levels.

I guess it depends want you wanna do? The Push2 is a great instrument for me and a handy studio tool.

One thing to remember, an APC 40 and a Push2 will take up a lot of desk space.

Re: APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:31 pm
by yur2die4
The apush doesn't have faders or 'dedicated' arm, solo, mute. In fact, it even has dedicated track select buttons.

I'd say they would complement each other nicely. The nice thing is you can completely not worry about joking screens and menus for those functions. There are also some nice functions above the cross fader on the APC 40 which are quick and effective.

Re: APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 5:21 pm
by login
Push was designed for composition and the APC for performance.

Can you input notes and drum sequences from an APC? Nope (at least not in the default configuration). Push is for that.

Can you have instant control over sends/mixer faders with Push? Nope, you need to navigate through pages. APC can do that.

SO they are quite different, even if Push can do everything the APC does but in a much more convoluted and less instant way.

Re: APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:00 pm
by McAnix
login wrote:Push was designed for composition and the APC for performance.

Can you input notes and drum sequences from an APC? Nope (at least not in the default configuration). Push is for that.

Can you have instant control over sends/mixer faders with Push? Nope, you need to navigate through pages. APC can do that.

SO they are quite different, even if Push can do everything the APC does but in a much more convoluted and less instant way.
Basically the best explanation.

Re: APC 40 Mk I and Push 2

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:03 pm
by dcease
Great combination. login pretty much nailed it. If you have the desk space it's worth it.