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Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:49 pm
by Ryder17
...Just sayin.....

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:47 pm
by panten
You are full of shit...

...Just sayin.....

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:49 pm
by Ryder17
pfffttt!.... Yo momma's full of shit!........

Seriously though, does the GUI not look kinda tacky to anyone?

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:16 pm
by Samuel L. Jizzle
FL Studio
Logic Pro
Pro Tool
That weird Mac only logic clone that some people use

Just 7 random music apps with worse UIs.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:34 pm
by Ryder17
Reason... Yes....Garageband....Yes....

I would disagree on the others like.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:52 pm
by puzzlefactory
Ryder17 wrote:Reason... Yes....Garageband....Yes....

I would disagree on the others like.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:57 pm
by 102455
Metadata based browser FTW (as they say these days).

Ableton, look at these guys. This is what we want in the Live browser.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:13 pm
by Ryder17
102455 wrote:Metadata based browser FTW (as they say these days).

Ableton, look at these guys. This is what we want in the Live browser.
Thing is, we all have little ideas that would make the program better for us, I for one would like to see a brain to audio function.

Everyone seems to be banging on about how Bitwig is getting this and that right, let's not forget that Bitwig are the rip-off's here blatantly copying what is a unique and groundbreaking bit of software. I find it hard to believe that any legit licensed live user would sell up and jump ship to an unproven program just for the sake of a few 'improvements'...... unless of course you use a cracked version and there is no value to be sacrificed.

Live changed everything for me and for that, I am loyal. I don't need metadata browsers and shit to make my music better, Live has exceeded anything I thought possible 15 or so years ago. It's influenced music and made things possible for bands and electronic live acts that simply wouldn't exist if Ableton live didn't. Whatever Bitwig promises, it's got fuck all on that.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:14 pm
by login
The use of 3d elements on the interface designed by Ableton (the organization of the main interface with clip view, instrument view, broswer, help view, etc are very important in the workflow of live) is quite terrible, if they already copied all the main elements why not the flat graphic design? It's one of thje most important elements of it. That shows that they might be able to advance technical features for audio and midi editing, but they don't have any ideas of their own regarding GUI, which IMO is half the succes of Live. They went the lazy way copyng and pasting an horrible 3d design over it making it look like FL studio.

I think the advancement of usability and workflow in daw's should be a priority since the technical audio side is quite very advanced right now in every one outhere.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:07 pm
by eyeknow
I like where this thread is going


BTW, the disco skin is the sizzle......

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:22 pm
by Ryder17
eyeknow wrote:
BTW, the disco skin is the sizzle......
I don't like it, looks shit.... like Bitwig :twisted:

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:08 pm
by eyeknow

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:24 pm
by CFM
BOG standard grey does me!
I also agree with the point above. I don't feel many registered Live users will jump ship even if they download a demo (if there is one?)

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:52 pm
by willdahbe
Ryder17 wrote:
102455 wrote:Metadata based browser FTW (as they say these days).

Ableton, look at these guys. This is what we want in the Live browser.
Thing is, we all have little ideas that would make the program better for us, I for one would like to see a brain to audio function.

Everyone seems to be banging on about how Bitwig is getting this and that right, let's not forget that Bitwig are the rip-off's here blatantly copying what is a unique and groundbreaking bit of software. I find it hard to believe that any legit licensed live user would sell up and jump ship to an unproven program just for the sake of a few 'improvements'...... unless of course you use a cracked version and there is no value to be sacrificed.

Live changed everything for me and for that, I am loyal. I don't need metadata browsers and shit to make my music better, Live has exceeded anything I thought possible 15 or so years ago. It's influenced music and made things possible for bands and electronic live acts that simply wouldn't exist if Ableton live didn't. Whatever Bitwig promises, it's got fuck all on that.
"Brain to audio function" aye? You also state that you, "don't need metadata browsers and shit to make your music better."

Can't you get your brain to make your hands and feet to accomplish what you want??? Having metadata just makes it more easy to reach the end goal.

And yes I am a legit Live user since version 6 and and able to make pretty decent music w/ Live. I don't need the features offered in Bitwig, but I'm sure as fuck going to welcome them with open arms...

Also, your statement about being a blatant ripoff is invalid. If you're worried about DAW programs resembling each other than pretty much every DAW is ripping off every other DAW with Linear recording/arrangement. Hell, even trackers are ripping off each other.

Re: Bitwig looks shit...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:07 am
by Ryder17
willdahbe wrote:
Ryder17 wrote:
102455 wrote:Metadata based browser FTW (as they say these days).

Ableton, look at these guys. This is what we want in the Live browser.
Thing is, we all have little ideas that would make the program better for us, I for one would like to see a brain to audio function.

Everyone seems to be banging on about how Bitwig is getting this and that right, let's not forget that Bitwig are the rip-off's here blatantly copying what is a unique and groundbreaking bit of software. I find it hard to believe that any legit licensed live user would sell up and jump ship to an unproven program just for the sake of a few 'improvements'...... unless of course you use a cracked version and there is no value to be sacrificed.

Live changed everything for me and for that, I am loyal. I don't need metadata browsers and shit to make my music better, Live has exceeded anything I thought possible 15 or so years ago. It's influenced music and made things possible for bands and electronic live acts that simply wouldn't exist if Ableton live didn't. Whatever Bitwig promises, it's got fuck all on that.
"Brain to audio function" aye? You also state that you, "don't need metadata browsers and shit to make your music better."

Can't you get your brain to make your hands and feet to accomplish what you want??? Having metadata just makes it more easy to reach the end goal.

And yes I am a legit Live user since version 6 and and able to make pretty decent music w/ Live. I don't need the features offered in Bitwig, but I'm sure as fuck going to welcome them with open arms...

Also, your statement about being a blatant ripoff is invalid. If you're worried about DAW programs resembling each other than pretty much every DAW is ripping off every other DAW with Linear recording/arrangement. Hell, even trackers are ripping off each other.

Yeah, I was being flippant. Trying to keep it light and all that........... Would brain to audio not be the ultimate?

Not sure I agree on your last point. Things that sequence tend to be linear because that's how our little brains tend to perceive time, similarities there can't really be avoided but come on! Live is as much an instrument as it is a DAW, theres been nothing like it when it comes to connecting with the outside world. As far as bitwig goes, it's blatant! To say it isn't trying to mimic live is just laughable! Even the the most ardent bitwig 'grass looks greener' fan boys and girls will concede to that. They're even bringing out a native modular system ffs!