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we need a 'listen to me" forum

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:18 pm
by anonymouse
there are lots of posts these days with people pushing their music for audition.

Some is very good. Some is crap. Either way they should have their own dedicated thread.

This is useful for people who (a) want to quickly check out new music posted to the forum and (b) want to avoid so much promotion of sometimes lousy music.

A growing amount of music is not even made with Live and it is just a cheap attempt to seek an audience. Trusted names will attract an interest. First time posters may be spotted as opportunists.

Re: we need a 'listen to me" forum

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:32 pm
by montrealbreaks
anonymouse wrote: there are lots of posts these days with people pushing their music for audition.

...they should have their own dedicated thread.
I agree with this 101%. A dedicated forum for our producers' creations would be top notch.

anonymouse wrote: A growing amount of music is not even made with Live and it is just a cheap attempt to seek an audience. Trusted names will attract an interest. First time posters may be spotted as opportunists
Yeah, it's irritating to see people begging for attention in their own threads when they have one or two posts to their name. I would prefer it if they used this thread:

My opinion anyways...

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:45 pm
by anonymouse
don't get me wrong, some of the stuff that gets posted here is so good.

particularly when it is clearly created with Live/Operator.

Would just be nice to have it all in a recognised thread...

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:32 pm
by mikemc
I agree.While the music thread is what's there now, a dedicated forum would allow new track posters to set up song topics with a poll "did you like it? y/n "

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:41 pm
by sqook
Ditto. I believe others have asked for a "post your tracks" forum, too... It'd be great to see all the different things that people are writing out there with live!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:07 am
by Hypomixolydian
In principle I agree that it would be a good idea for a forum to upload your creations. PlanetZ, which is a forum for Creamware users, does just this, apart from the usual tech questions sections people have etc...., you can upload and download music and get some feedback. Most of it is rubbish and most people's criticisms are too "kind", nevertheless an outlet exists for Creamware users. Though let me also add that some of the music is great!!!

Maybe it's just me, but the only drawback to this kind of thing is that people are too kind and seem too easily pleased with a lot of the stuff that is put out. I myself come from the brutally honest school of thought. If a piece of music is crap, then say it is crap!!! There are too many people out there (in my opinion) who place the tag of "musician" on themselves. Whacking together a few loops doth not make thyself a musician.

Excuse me, that previous paragraph probably wasn't necessary or relevant, but I wrote it anyway

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:40 am
by montrealbreaks
Astral Fridge Magnet wrote: ...Maybe it's just me, but the only drawback to this kind of thing is that people are too kind and seem too easily pleased with a lot of the stuff that is put out. I myself come from the brutally honest school of thought. If a piece of music is crap, then say it is crap!!! ...
Agreed - I would suggest a sticky thread on the top of the forum saying some ground rules for the music forum:

1. Constructive Criticism. Saying something sucks festering polyps off of dead camel anus isn't going to improve anybody. Make points that are intended to help someone improve their production.

2. However, if a song rawks your world, well, say so!

3. Don't post your links and ask for feedback if you can't take the heat (see point 1).

4. If you don't want feedback to be given, and instead you just want to advertise, SAY SO in your original post. Or, specify you would apprecaite private feedback (ie have respondants send you a PM). For readers, respect the poster who requests this. Some folks can't handle criticism, so why force it on 'em?

5. I would suggest a standardized poll for music rating... perhaps "5 stars". One could post their link with a poll with 5 options, and people can rate each link individually. If you don't want to be rated, don't make it a poll simple enough. The advantage of a stardardized rating system is that other Live users can check out highly rated tracks and seek out their creators for production hints - It's not really intended for competition,

Any thoughts on something like this?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:14 am
by Hypomixolydian
montrealbreaks wrote:
Astral Fridge Magnet wrote: ...Maybe it's just me, but the only drawback to this kind of thing is that people are too kind and seem too easily pleased with a lot of the stuff that is put out. I myself come from the brutally honest school of thought. If a piece of music is crap, then say it is crap!!! ...
Agreed - I would suggest a sticky thread on the top of the forum saying some ground rules for the music forum:

1. Constructive Criticism. Saying something sucks festering polyps off of dead camel anus isn't going to improve anybody. Make points that are intended to help someone improve their production.

2. However, if a song rawks your world, well, say so!

3. Don't post your links and ask for feedback if you can't take the heat (see point 1).

4. If you don't want feedback to be given, and instead you just want to advertise, SAY SO in your original post. Or, specify you would apprecaite private feedback (ie have respondants send you a PM). For readers, respect the poster who requests this. Some folks can't handle criticism, so why force it on 'em?

5. I would suggest a standardized poll for music rating... perhaps "5 stars". One could post their link with a poll with 5 options, and people can rate each link individually. If you don't want to be rated, don't make it a poll simple enough. The advantage of a stardardized rating system is that other Live users can check out highly rated tracks and seek out their creators for production hints - It's not really intended for competition,

Any thoughts on something like this?

Your post was far more well thought out than mine!!! I agree with ALL your points.
Yes of course any criticisms should be constructive. Even though I am from the brutally honest school of thought, I don't mean to be insulting to anyone. I just meant it in the way that I will say whether I like something or not, and if I don't like something I will say so and why. A star rating sytem is also a great idea.
I hope that a forum like this will take off. Even though a majority of the music might not be worth a listen, it would provide an opportunity for criticism which in turn may lead to improving as a musician.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:56 am
by supster
montrealbreaks wrote:
Astral Fridge Magnet wrote: ...Maybe it's just me, but the only drawback to this kind of thing is that people are too kind and seem too easily pleased with a lot of the stuff that is put out. I myself come from the brutally honest school of thought. If a piece of music is crap, then say it is crap!!! ...
Agreed - I would suggest a sticky thread on the top of the forum saying some ground rules for the music forum:

1. Constructive Criticism. Saying something sucks festering polyps off of dead camel anus isn't going to improve anybody. Make points that are intended to help someone improve their production.

2. However, if a song rawks your world, well, say so!

3. Don't post your links and ask for feedback if you can't take the heat (see point 1).

4. If you don't want feedback to be given, and instead you just want to advertise, SAY SO in your original post. Or, specify you would apprecaite private feedback (ie have respondants send you a PM). For readers, respect the poster who requests this. Some folks can't handle criticism, so why force it on 'em?

5. I would suggest a standardized poll for music rating... perhaps "5 stars". One could post their link with a poll with 5 options, and people can rate each link individually. If you don't want to be rated, don't make it a poll simple enough. The advantage of a stardardized rating system is that other Live users can check out highly rated tracks and seek out their creators for production hints - It's not really intended for competition,

Any thoughts on something like this?
totally agree on all points, something like this is needed.

its hard to get objective, quality feedback on what you're doing -
and thats the main thing most people want.

too many reasons why the right people dont respond with the kinds of things you need to hear. this would help that.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:33 am
by montrealbreaks
bump. C'mon folks, pipe up on this one so the Abes notice!


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 11:58 am
by olke
This is funny, because I was just about to post a thread about this matter, and i saw someone beat me to it :)

I think it's a great idea. It would be best if all the music posted where made with ableton live involved somehow.. That way you also could get specific tips about how to work your music, etc.. And also to get some feedback and someone that listens to what you worked so hard at.

Make it happen!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:31 pm
by sweetjesus
I'm gonna go against the grain and say that I don't feel like there should be another forum for music stuff. I only ever see one or sometimes upto three posts from people asking for feedback on tines on the forum homepage.

Also I've heard lots of good stuff here and I probably would not have listened to a lot of those tracks if they were in another subsection...

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:44 pm
by ultrasource
I think that there should be a separate forum for showcasing your latest tunes. Maybe then will I dare disgrace myself with the blips and bleeps that I am trying to convince people is music.
Having it in one location on the forum perhaps would make it easier for everybody including people who don't own but might wanna buy Live if they could only hear what it, and a little creativity, can do.
Only good can come of it.

god, this again

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:31 pm
i'm starting to see more requests for forum changes than "listen to my music" posts.

i'll add my two cents again, that i like the lively aspect to the ableton boards (since I have a non-music related job, it's as close as I can get to production 9-5pm) and I have seen MANY MANY board expand too much and lose the high activity rates. they become ghost boards.

and in the meantime, we should just keep a running poll for whether a particular type of new forum should be established. that way the squeaky wheels don't just keep reposting their requests 50 times, and we can keep a good count of who wants what.

and in the meantime i agree everybody should use that huge thread with all the music.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:54 pm
by smutek
I agree that we should have a post your music forum. I think it is a no-brainer and I can't really figure out why we don't have it.

I used to post at reason station a lot and the rating system stirred up a lot of feelings wiith people. You had people who could not accept that anyone would give their song less than a 9, revenge ratings, people who never rated a song lower than a 9, the whole nine yards. Despite all of the chaos it caused at times it was still fun.

I could take or leave the rating system, but I agree that we definitely should have a "post your music" forum. The giant thread floating around the general forum just doesn't do the trick.