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Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:52 pm
by jamief
Hello Ableton,

Its been along time since i started using your software. Somepoint in 2000 if my memory serves me correctly.
You have always previously been good at keeping in touch with your grassroots users and interacting with them at appropriate times on the forum.
Obviously now you re a far bigger company and your time is always in demand in the multiple decisions running a large business takes.
I personally feel that the previous communication style seems to have disappeared. which brings me to the main thrust of my post.

What is the future plans in terms of letting the user base know of how ableton is developing it's updates to live ?

for your time


Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:18 pm
by gjm
:arrow: :roll:

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:27 pm
by jamief
gjm wrote::arrow: :roll:

64 ^*^ :o

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:55 pm
by Piplodocus
I'd say it's a no brainer that a 64-bit L9 is coming as soon as it's ready. They're not gonna release it as 32-bit only, that's for sure!

If they say anymore than that people will get over excited then try to get an expected release date, which then put them in a difficult position if it's not done by then and could cause delays and grumpy people, or a buggy release, giving more grumpy people. Or an on time release but any inevitable bugs will be blamed on them sticking to the release date.

I'm sure they don't want to announce features either until it's almost imminent either... "We've got this great new feature called 'Share', you're gonna love it, and it'll change the way you collaborate to write music together....". DOH!!! :oops:

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:41 pm
by Moody
Grassroots here as well, it does appear that the amount of time that has passed would allude to something big occurring in the Ableton world to the likes of:

- A complete rewrite from the ground up.

- Introduction of 64bit support, this obviously has to occur if one wants to continue to be viewed as valid in the software world, regardless of purpose though it certainly matters with media associated software.

- Addressing issues / bugs that simply could not be resolved due to previous decisions in the development process, indirectly obvious from Ableton’s job postings.

- Consumer economics breeds “a more for less” ideology, though unfortunate, pandering to this idea is necessary even for software companies if they want to retain customers and attract new ones (I would say we are getting some of this to try and tide us over – good job Ableton. Microsoft would appear to be a master of method in this area and a model by which to develop one’s own technique [Regardless of what they do wrong, most agree they do this right].)

I would infer that something great is coming down the line from Ableton, but as many others who have been in the mix with them for a long time… I beckon them to address the simple questions that have been laid out as to not completely disconnect from their audience, as this has been the downfall of many great software companies. I.E. – Novell

From here I would say we should compile a list of simple questions (this should probably be a topic in and of itself that the Op manages):

1. Will Live 9 have 64bit support? (Why is this important to know in advance? Because some of us will need to begin saving for new hardware and operating systems that will allow us to benefit from the update.)

Disclaimer: I do not imply any of what I have stated to be true or that I have not missed relative topics in the past that may have addressed any of the mentioned information. On that note, do as thou will and I will see you on the otherside.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:55 pm
by jamief
The latest major release of Live, Version 8, was released in April 2009.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:40 pm
by Muzik 4 Machines
as long as they dont do a apple/fcpX and REMOVE essential features, i'll be happy with any upgrade

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:05 pm
by EnjoyRC
<<<<< See my join date. Long time user here as well.
I really feel as though Ableton is leaving us in the dark too. Years ago, I was a Cubase user on my primary studio system, and Ableton Live on stage. A few years back I started using Ableton Live in my studio as well. But all the other DAWs are marching on with industry improvements and leading edge technologies. I was feeling left behind. I recently switched my studio system to Pro Tools 10. C'mon Ableton, what do you have up your sleeve? Other software companies are now starting to create LIVE applications.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:52 pm
by Angstrom
They've always been secretive though haven't they?

Was there ever a time when they chatted about upcoming features? They only ever did that after they've done a launch at a trade show. So it's the same strategy as ever, but there's been a much longer gap between releases this time.

I do think it's important for companies like Ableton to let a few of the developers talk to the community. Otherwise - It's easy for customers & consumers to see a software company like this as a faceless corporate entity, out of touch with users, potentially heading for disaster. It's odd how a simple post from a team leader talking candidly about their passion for the software can give a much better impression of a company.

BTW: a candid post full of passion is NOT the same as an edited marketing dept. "interview", or something from the community manager/moderator.

It's a very hard thing to convince any company, but a few reassuring words from the Captain carry a long way, and when nobody hears from the captain people fear the worst.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:05 am
by Ryanmf

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:50 am
by UncleAge
personally, i enjoy the silence. i don't want to hear from them until they have something significant to say.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:53 am
by Muzik 4 Machines
just to piss everybody off, i hope ableton makes live 10 or x and just skips 9 lol

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:23 am
by UncleAge
scutheotaku wrote:
UncleAge wrote:personally, i enjoy the silence. i don't want to hear from them until they have something significant to say.
I think the point people are making is that, whether 9 won't be out in a year or it will be out next month, they just want to hear SOMETHING from Ableton.
i understood that point. i have a different opinion.

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:17 am
by Pasha
I am 100% happy with Live 8 in its latest form. I simply can't imagine big changes. Here end there I'd do some nice addition or improve usability but nothing revolutionary. When Live 9 comes it has to be 64 bit. That's for sure, even if I run a 4GB RAM iMac 3.5 years old with ease. My projects are ok because they are not large DJ sets, they are simply multi-track music and for that Live 8 it's enough. On one side I am even afraid of Live 9 discontinuity with the past. Compatibility it is what's worrying me. One way or the other Live 9 has to work flawlessly from day one. The Live 8 buggy saga should not be repeated. Ableton Silence creates expectations but even silent companies like Apple sometimes let some info leak on the net, on purpose. Ableton silence is about 24 months. Too much. So yes, Ableton give us somethings to dream on!

- Best
- Pasha

Re: Live 9 Ableton feedback

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:27 am
by Machinesworking
The funniest thing to me is I got a great deal buying someone's 8 Suite off them and now I'm more terrified of the brutality of Suite upgrade prices than I am excited about new features. 8O

Seriously though, I hope 9 has some brutal time/pitch improvements to compete with the Melodyne stuff, is 64 bit and stable. A word saying we are working on it would be good, features don't have to be mentioned. Whether it will be released in 2012 would be nice, and not too much to ask for IMO.