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VST instruments (and more) with Live, thanks to Bidule...

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 8:21 pm
by Kerrydan
Just thought I'd drop a quick note off letting all you PC Live users know about the latest version of Plogue Bidule. 8O

In a nutshell, this latest revision now allows Bidule to operate as a Rewire mixer. So you can operate Live as a Rewire slave, route the audio around inside Bidule, and mix other audio in with Live - like VST instruments!

While it's not officially released yet (this is v0.5600), I find Bidule to be pretty darn stable, and a great complement to Live for live performances.

Your friendly neighbourhood Bidule evangelist,

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 8:25 pm
by Mbazzy
I'll second that K !

VST instruments (and more) with Live, thanks to Bidule...

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:22 pm
by Tommy Genes
I was just trying live Rewired into bidule just last night, and I think there are some great possibilities, but two thoughts for improving it came immediately to my head.

1. Taking audio from live into bidule for subsequent processing is great, but it would be equally great to input audio to bidule, process it and then SEND it to live for recording/looping. I'm guessing this would require reversing the roles of master and slave. I know live can do both, but bidule currently can act only as a master. Now if you could have both master and slave modules in bidule, and if live could function as both at the same time so that you could SEND audio to, and RETURN audio from live at the same time, kinda like an effects loop, whoo boy!

2. Apparently you can not run VST effects in live while in Rewire slave mode, at least according to a dialog box I received from live while trying to do this. I'm curious if this is because of live, bidule, the VST spec or the Rewire spec. I know that you can work around this either by processing post-Rewire in bidule, or by resampling the effected loops in live. But if you already have the plugs, presets, automation info etc. in your live projects, it would be a bit of a pain to have to recreate all that through other means.

-- T. G. --

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 2:57 pm
by Kerrydan

#1 - I think that I've read the guys from Plogue promising a ReWire slave mode for Bidule by the time they release version 1.0.

#2 - Weird... I just tried it, and got the same message. Yeah, that sucks bigtime... Sometimes it's easier to apply an effect to a single loop in Live instead of routing stuff all over inside of Bidule. Weird. I wonder if this is something the folk from Ableton can address? Is it an Ableton restriction, or a ReWire restriction?
