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Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:13 pm
by citrus
i'm willing to guess that they are pretty much the same; i doubt the chipsets or any of that vary at all. i can't find any spec sheets, though.

if you can do without the optical i/o of the Traveler, then i think you might want to consider the Ultralite. if for no other reason, you'll save hundreds while only having to spare a few pretty negligible features that most people don't need anyways unless they are mobile sound engineers. if you're going to be using the interface with a laptop, like i'm guessing, in my experience... the more mobile the better. i have a Traveler. my 12" Powerbook rests nicely on top of the Traveler, with about 2 inches of rack sticking out either side. i can fit everything i need in a single backpack.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:59 am
by kynd

I just got my Ultralite, and really like it. It has some amazing sound quality.

Anyways, I'm running a Macbook Pro 17' and was wondering if anyone had any tips on optimizing the cpu usage? I have 8 channels in Live, with EQ plugins over each and a limiter on the master channel.

When I get only 4 channels going the cpu starts to jump above 70% and glitch out. I know I should be able to run more than this and have no problem. I have already adjusted the buffer size, and even with it above 1000 samples the cpu still is overloading.

Both the Macbook and Ultralite are new to me. I have a G5 and a Tascam FW-1884 and it runs both Ableton and Cubase wonderfully with plenty of room for big projects. I'm just having some trouble getting this new setup config properly so I can rock-out outside the studio.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:56 am
by hrdvsion
maybe give a go at the asio drivers?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:28 pm
by Surreal
kynd wrote:Hello,

I just got my Ultralite, and really like it. It has some amazing sound quality.

Anyways, I'm running a Macbook Pro 17' and was wondering if anyone had any tips on optimizing the cpu usage? ...

any fix found? i am weighing the benefit of KNOWING that the 400 will work nicely with my 800 against spending less money.

if the ultralite isnt so nice on the 17 MBP, that takes it out of the running.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:19 pm
by D K
i love my ultralite, best portable interface i've had yet!(828, 002r, fa101)...
one funny little bonus...
i love how a kaoss pad fits perfectly on top of it...

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:37 pm
by mikemc
This is kind of 'voodoo' but it seemed to have had benefit for me (I am on Windows, but if nothing else works, give this a try).

Turn on MOTU at factory settings.

If you have changed these, reset them to factory settings (see manual for the two buttons to press simultaneously), then turn it off and turn it on.

Then use the MOTU setup app to set buffers to 256 and sample speed to 96K.

Open up Live, use prefs to set the buffers to 256 and sample speed to 96K. Do nothing else, close out of Live.

Shut down machine.

Restart machine-- everything 'agrees' now. Start up Live, then start adding in tracks as you describe.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 2:30 am
by kynd
Yeah, got it taken care of (Thanks Groovecake!!!). Sometimes the easiest answer is the hardest to see..... I had 5.1 installed on my Macbook Pro, it had directly loaded on when I transferred all my files & apps from my G5.

Anyways, now with 5.2 purchased and loaded it's running great now. I'm very impressed with the sound quality of the Motu Ultralite and the overall ease of use so far. I really look forward to exploring more with this setup.

