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Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:50 am
by mooncaine
Think I found it -- it seems that Live happily allows me to map a MIDI CC # 104 to a clip's record/play button, no matter what CC value I send. What it won't do is *anything* unless that value happens to be greater than 63.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:34 pm
by mooncaine
Machinate wrote:friend_kami, to start a clip looping instead of recording simply trigger it again.
Let me put this in step by step terms, to see if I understand you right:

1. Stomp MIDI pedal to start recording
2. Stomp again to quit recording
3. Stomp again to trigger loop

Is that right?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:11 pm
by electropoet
mooncaine wrote:
Machinate wrote:friend_kami, to start a clip looping instead of recording simply trigger it again.
Let me put this in step by step terms, to see if I understand you right:

1. Stomp MIDI pedal to start recording
2. Stomp again to quit recording
3. Stomp again to trigger loop

Is that right?
all except the last part (#3) should start looping by itself.

I am using this config with 1 issues

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:18 am
by studiesinsound

I have my live set routed per the picture and it works great.
I am using the FCB1010 pedal to control looping and a trigger finger to control the parameters of my effects in the Guitar-In track.

It all works great however: I would like to loop while also recording the arrangement in realtime.
I do this, and while I am monitorring it sounds great. When I listen back to the recorded session, the loops are very quiet, the guitar-in track is way too loud, into the red. but it wasn't in the red when I was playing it.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:07 pm
by roadcustard
is there anyway to make ableton move through scenes automatically using the system above...

im playing guitar loops into ableton and, once ive recorded all the parts into seperate scenes, want to move through verse/chorus progressions without having to hit a button on the MFC to move up and down through the scenes...

Its a major pain having to do this looking for ableton to act as if i had a band playing behind me, if that makes sense.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:32 am
by mooncaine
I found that, yep, one foot stomp would stop recording and it would start looping ....
... Thanks!

[deleted the rest because I realized I made a mistake]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:15 am
by milka
could u guys share more screenshots of your particulare looping Live setups and MIDI pedal-controller used with what mapping?
thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:40 pm
by fatrabbit
milka wrote:could u guys share more screenshots of your particulare looping Live setups and MIDI pedal-controller used with what mapping?
thanks in advance
I might make a video and put it on youtube. But it won't be for a while.

I've got a half-decent setup right now (on a desktop PC), but am waiting to get a Macbook, and Axiom 25, in addition to my FCB1010, so that it will be how I would like it.

Plus, i've got ideas yet to implement and refine.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:42 pm
by milka
fatrabbit wrote:
milka wrote:could u guys share more screenshots of your particulare looping Live setups and MIDI pedal-controller used with what mapping?
thanks in advance
I might make a video and put it on youtube. But it won't be for a while.

I've got a half-decent setup right now (on a desktop PC), but am waiting to get a Macbook, and Axiom 25, in addition to my FCB1010, so that it will be how I would like it.

Plus, i've got ideas yet to implement and refine.
good luck-looking forward to your video :)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:50 am
by mooncaine
My story seems the same as fatrabbit's. I have some goals, I'm getting closer, and when I feel I'm there, I can make a video... but I'm not in a hurry, so it'll happen when it happens. If someone else makes one first, great, if not, I'll do it when/if I get a Kid Beyond thing happening for my guitar into Ableton Live.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:53 am
by mooncaine
milka wrote:could u guys share more screenshots of your particulare looping Live setups and MIDI pedal-controller used with what mapping?
thanks in advance
Some quick tips:

Search the forum for "motherbrain5000" and "looping" and I think you'll find the magic screenshot that gets us most of the way there.

I'm using an FCB1010 pedalboard, and I'm new to it and Ableton Live, but so far, I just set the footswitches to send MIDI CC#s, starting at 102 or so, and each set to send the value 127. They just function like triggers, and I assign them to various things in Ableton Live.

What to assign them to, however, is a bit of a puzzle for me as I try to work out what's possible. The obvious choice is the play/record button for a loop cell in Session view, but that only gets you so far.....

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:08 pm
by mooncaine
Whoops, the image I referred to is actually the first post in this thread. I've visited and bookmarked so many threads, trying to approach the Kid Beyond setup, that I got confused among them. takes you directly to the post with the image. Save that image on your computer for future reference. Since I'm on a Mac, I copied the text in motherbrain's post and pasted that into the Comments field for the pic. You could also save the pic in a folder of its own, and add a plain text file with the text pasted in, so that, months or years later, that text will hopefully still be with the picture to help you understand what you're supposed to learn from the pic.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:25 pm
by nolus
bump - seems to be a hot topic at the moment.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:48 am
by mooncaine
I still experiment with the motherbrain set up once a month or so, when I get time to break out Ableton Live and the FCB1010 [music's not my career, ya know?].

I'm still stuck at this point: how to switch to the next scene and start looping instantly, or go back to a previous scene, with the fewest footswitches possible. Every footswitch that I don't have to assign to something else can be set to start recording a new loop... anyway, I've been remarkably unproductive with this. It has something to do with trying to hunch over a laptop with a guitar in my lap, squinting at the screen ....

The reason I want to switch to a new scene or two is so I could cook up songs with an ABABCAB structure [verse chorus ... bridge... you get the idea]. I'm sure it's possible; I just haven't figured out what to tell Live to do with each footswitch.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:33 pm
by xrayfish
I just haven't figured out what to tell Live to do with each footswitch.
Why not set it up as a Mackie emulation? My FCB1010 came in the post today, so I've only had an hour or 2 to play with it, but it works for me:

What I've done so far

Bank 01

Pedal 1 = up = note C6 (value 96)
Pedal 2 = down = note c#6 (value 97)
Pedal 3= stop =93
Pedal 4 = fire scene = 101
Pedal 5 = fire clip = 100
Pedal 6 = left = 98
Pedal 7 = right = 99

Haven't set the rest yet, and you might not care for my layout, but you get the general idea.

All send on midi channel 1

In Live prefs choose MIDI/Sync
Control surface - Mackiecontrol
Input - whatever midi input your footpedal is connected to

No need to turn any of the Midi Ports on - track sync remote all OFF

Voila - instant loop fun, using the template at the start of this thread.

For more info on other mackie control values search the forum.

My 2c